Have you ever stopped to notice how intuitive Crazy Eyes is? In honor of the Orange Is the New Black season 4 premiere on June 17, we created an entire slideshow dedicated to Suzanne Warren’s, a.k.a. Crazy Eyes, extreme words of wisdom. You may not have realized it, but she has actually taught us a few things about life that we may have never considered.
When you’re feeling crazy
“I am not crazy, I am unique.”
Suzanne knows deep down who she is and she is not afraid to show it. This is a trend that we should live by.
Never settle for being called crazy, and never call yourself crazy. This is an ugly word that is simply not true to who you are. We are all unique, and just because your thoughts or actions may be a little out there, that does not mean you are crazy.
If you’re ever afraid of bugs
“The trick is to imagine the bugs being bugged by you. You can’t give away your power.”
Bugs are very terrifying, and it’s not uncommon to scream at the site of a creepy-crawler.
Although Crazy Eyes is talking about bed bugs here, it’s important to think of this quote if you ever encounter a bully in your life. Live by these words and understand that bugs, or bullies, could never stand a chance against us. We should no longer allow them to dictate our lives; we are stronger than they are! So, always remember, “You can’t give away your power.”
When confronting a problem
“Clarity is important. You should be meticulous with your words.”
If you ever find yourself involved in a confrontation, or perhaps an uncomfortable misunderstanding, it’s important to think of this quote.
As long as you’re clear in what you want to say, choose your words carefully.
The true effects of our vices
“That’s not how mutation works. Our babies would be the ones born with the fish gills and extra fingers. What we’d have is a bunch of different cancers and lesions.”
This is really good to think about for the future of our children.
Although we have been given our own free will, if a child may be involved, choose your vices wisely.
When you lose a friend
“Cause’ sometimes people just don’t wanna play with you, and that’s OK.”
Losing a friend can be difficult; feeling left out can be worse, but at the end of the day, you have to realize who is truly worth your tears.
Not everyone is going to want to be in your life, and that is OK. It’s important to accept that you can’t make everyone happy, and not everyone is going to want to “play with you”‘ or be your friend. That is OK. A handful of friends is better than a room of acquaintances.
When you need to let someone go
“And I used to think you was a yellow dandelion, but psshh… you’re all dried up with the puff blown off. And it’s not your fault. You are who you are, like I am who I am.”
Just because someone seems glamorous on the outside doesn’t mean they are as beautiful on the inside.
Once you realize someone’s true character, and they are too negative for you, it’s OK to let them go. It’s important to understand that it’s neither your fault nor their fault. Like Crazy Eyes says, “You are who you are, like I am who I am.”
When you fall in love
“This year, I’m loving someone who deserves me.”
This should be ingrained in everyone’s brain from this point forward. Don’t settle for less, and make sure that your partnership is equal and fair.
When you love someone, make sure this person deserves your love before you give it all away. You deserve the best.
A drive for education is a drive for success
“Other prisons get to do Shakespeare and shit. I wanna play a role. Like Desdemona, or Ophelia, or Clair Huxtable.”
Because we shouldn’t give up our need for education and love for literature just because we are in prison.
Crazy Eyes appreciates the fine arts; let’s make sure we always take the time out of our day to appreciate it just as much as she does.
When you need something to believe in
“Once you know Santa Claus isn’t real, it’s all downhill from there. It’s good to have something to believe in — giant, drunky squirrel, Santa. It’s like the test says, ‘Ideas are better than reality.'”
When we were young, we felt nothing but pure joy and excitement knowing that Santa Claus was coming to town.
As we grew older, it was difficult to accept that Santa Claus, or any other fictional character, was simply a figment of imagination.
Perhaps we could use Crazy Eyes’ advice, and still hold on to the hope we once had in our childhood. It’s always good to have something to believe in; it’s what motivates us to keep going. Let’s find our adult Santa Claus.
When thinking about love
“It’s like you become more you, which normally is like BOOM, but now it’s OK because the person chose to take all that on, all that weird stuff, whatever’s wrong, or bad, or hiding in you, and it’s all right; you don’t feel like such a freak anymore.”
Love is by far the most complicated feeling, experience and emotion in existence and yet, we struggle to truly put it into words.
Although most dictionary definitions of love don’t quite do it for us, Crazy Eyes’ definition sure did.
When someone breaks your heart
“I know something about lovin’ people who aren’t smart enough to wanna be loved back. I learned a secret that I can tell you: They don’t deserve it”
Do not let someone walk all over you if that person does not love you.
Do not waste your time on those who are undeserving of your love and affection. If your partner, or your lover, makes you feel small, unappreciated, or upset, he or she does not deserve you or your love.
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