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23 Actresses Who’ve Spoken Out About the Gender Pay Gap


Although we like to think a celebrity’s life is all glitz and glamour, the truth is that being an actor can have all the same hassles as any other job. Over the years, for example, many actresses have used their platform to speak out against the staggering gender pay gaps and sexism they’ve encountered in the industry.

Back in 2015, Oscar-winner Jennifer Lawrence became one of the faces of the movement when she bravely spoke out about the salary disparities in American Hustle alongside Christian Bale and Bradley Cooper. “If I’m honest with myself, I would be lying if I didn’t say there was an element of wanting to be liked that influenced my decision to close the deal without a real fight. I didn’t want to seem ‘difficult’ or ‘spoiled,'” Lawrence admitted in a personal essay, per Glamour. “At the time, that seemed like a fine idea, until I saw the payroll on the Internet and realized every man I was working with definitely didn’t worry about being ‘difficult’ or ‘spoiled.'”

Lawrence’s words resonated with women all over the world. The truth is, women have been conditioned to be afraid to speak out, afraid to fight for their rights and needs, until, well, the cycle continues. But, if Hollywood is any example, actresses have been paving the way for a fairer, more equitable future.

See below what other actresses have been brave enough to speak out about the gender pay gap.

This story was originally published in 2017. 

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