There is no better way to honor Michael Weatherly’s time on NCIS than by showcasing a few of the times Tony DiNozzo was the best character.
Whenever he talked movies
Tony and movies are inseparable. When didn’t he bring film into the conversation?
Whenever Tiva happened
Tiva forever.
Whenever he did the right thing
As much of a goofball as Tony could be, he always tried to do the right thing, like when he saved Ziva.
Whenever he interrogated someone
Nobody made interrogating someone more entertaining than Tony did.
Whenever McGee & Tony were BFFs
A bromance that will never be forgotten.
Whenever his dad came to town
You can’t not adore how Tony’s relationship with his father grew.
Whenever he bonded with Gibbs
The Gibbs and Tony bond is a strong one, even if DiNozzo did a get few Gibbs slaps here and there.
Whenever things didn’t go his way
Whether he was having his identity stolen or being framed, sometimes things didn’t go Tony’s way, resulting in a hilarious reaction.
Whenever he got sentimental
Tony will forever be one of the most humorous characters on NCIS, but he could also show his softer and more serious side when necessary.
Whenever he acted like a little kid
I mean, this is pretty much Tony in a nutshell.
Whenever he was in costume or undercover
Tony always committed to the job.
Whenever he was just plain hilarious
NCIS definitely won’t be the same without Tony’s hilarious behavior.
Whenever he trusted his gut
Tony’s passion for the job and his loved ones was always apparent. He never gave up, especially when his gut was telling him not to.
Whenever he was just Tony
Thank you, Tony and Michael, for all of the memories. You both will be missed.
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