Can you believe all the shit that comes out of Quinn’s mouth? Here are some of our favorite quotes.
Bitch, please
Rachel is totally Quinn’s bitch for life.
Boner killer
Grade A boner killer, for sure.
Your entire head
Get it all the way up there, sweetie.
Crazy shit
When it comes to reality dating shows, you gotta get ‘er done.
On sleeping with the crew
They’re all one big happy family, right?
The fairy fort
Get the hell out.
That contestant didn’t look that much like Rachel, right?
Life sucks
It isn’t that bad.
Monkey piss
That PA had better get her a good cup of joe, tout suite.
Too much pink
Just like Pepto-Bismol.
They’re not doves
Just pigeons painted white.
No one wants to see that
She’s right.
He’s a prop
‘Out,’ she said!
This isn’t the ’70s.
The ‘Everlasting’ look
Please, Quinn, don’t kill any puppies.
Get out of my seat
Who the hell do you think you are, anyways?
You’re not a sugar lump
A little rain never hurt anyone, except maybe the Wicked Witch of the West.
Oh, my
Something tells us Quinn’s a Wizard of Oz fan.
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