Summertime means sunny days at the beach, BBQs with friends, and the return of Big Brother 18. Many of us wait all winter for our favorite reality show to come back and for the drama to begin. This summer’s BB18 premiere did not disappoint: Siblings of past houseguests, accusations of bigotry, once again, (Aaryn Gries anyone?) and HGs who will spend a record 99 days in the BB house. However, the real show goes on during Big Brother After Dark. That’s where you get the real story, spoilers if you’re impatient like me, and all the behind-the-scenes dirt!
For week 3 updates and spoilers, head straight to slide 14.
For week 4 updates and spoilers, head straight to slide 27.
For week 5 updates and spoilers, head straight to slide 40.
Mama Day opens up to Jozeah
BBAD kicked off with the HGs not realizing that the live feed had started causing early secrets to be revealed. Mama Day opened up to Jozeah and Zakiya about some of the hate they should expect on Twitter. She says that the last time around, “They called me a bad mom saying I should have been home taking care of my kid.” She warns them, “Knuckle up, it gets bad.”
James vs. Jozeah
An early alliance forming between Mama Day, Tiffany, Zakiya, Michelle and James finds them hanging out for a private discussion in the bedroom where James reveals a disturbing talk he had just had with Jozeah. As James, who is military, laments that he will have to be in the house for the Fourth of July, an important day for him. He claims that Jozeah was insensitive to the importance of the holiday. “People fought for your freedom,” James tells him. Jozeah responds with, “Well nobody asked them to do that!”
First showmance?
Are we seeing the first showmance of the summer between Paulie and Zakiya? They were quite touchy-feely when they thought the live feed was off.
‘The trio’
Mama Day and the team think they are on to a secret alliance that they are calling “the trio,” (Natalie, Bronte and Bridgette). It seems that Tiffany and Mama Day have concluded that the three girls have made a pact in which they make sure one of them is in each room with other people to find out what’s really going on. To hear them tell it, Bronte is the mastermind, and the trio will now be known as “the buttercup girls.”
‘The buttercup girls’
Hence, “The buttercup girls” AKA “The trio” AKA Natalie, Bronte and Bridgette, do not leave each other’s side in the kitchen: cooking, cleaning, bonding and scheming.
Getting fake naked
After POV (Power of Veto) some of the HGs are walking around as, what I’m calling “fake-ed” i.e. fake-naked. They are in their underwear, covered by pixilated cardboard with Velcro, which they complain is very uncomfortable.
Double agent
Paulie, brother of S16’s Cody Calafiore and Frank, returning player from S14 talk loyalties. This is when Paulie agrees to be a double agent for the returning vets.
Mama Day’s not having it
Mama Day is not having it with Jozeah walking around with tighty-blueys (thinking the feeds are not yet on).
‘Cozeah,’ the bromance
Even though we’ve heard that Corey Brooks might be a bigot and a homophobe, this doesn’t stop him from having a bonding sesh with Jozeah that leaves the other HGs calling them “Cozeah.” Maybe this is the first showmance of the summer since they clearly “heart” each other.
The feeds are on?!
But then Corey finds out the feeds have been on the whole time and runs for cover to Nicole where he freaks about the whole “Cozeah” scandal.
Mean girls
Meanwhile, school teacher from North Carolina, Zakiya and Tiffany Russo (sister of BB17’s Vanessa) are taking turns making fun of Bronte’s baby voice. All while wondering what plans “the trio” AKA “the buttercup girls” have in store for them.
Hi, fam!
And finally, the cat is out of the bag. It is discovered that the feeds are on forcing the HGs to meet up and address the cameras directly saying hi to friends and family.
Week 3: Paulie wins HOH… and the girl
Alliances, shmalliances: None of that matters this week because it’s all about Paulie, and I mean all of it. Any blogger or Big Brother 18 fan who says otherwise is asleep in their HOH room. Paulie is the main man, dominating every decision and — potentially — every alliance breakup in the house.
He has won HOH and POV, has control of the corkscrew for some reason and also got the girl.
Paulie + Zakiya
Twitter has decided to ship Paulie and Zakiya with hashtag #Zaulie, and BB18 cameras caught lots of lying in bed… and some minor canoodling.
Paulie nominated…
Since Paulie is HOH, he gets to call the shots. First, he nominates Paul and Bronte for eviction, but then he decides that Victor is the one he wants out. He gets the 8-Pack on board with back-dooring Vic… and his plan is in motion.
Vic ain’t afraid to celebrate
Meanwhile, Vic won the Roadkill comp and had no problem proudly letting the house, and America, know that he won.
Later, Bronte
But who is Vic going to nominate, and who does he want out? Well, he and Nicole have a late-night sesh where he says that Bronte makes everyone in the house uncomfortable, so she has to go. Girl, bye!
Paulie changes Vic’s mind
Vic wants to put up James as Roadkill but Paulie and Frank talk him out of it, saying he’d never get the votes. That’s when Nicole and Tiffany start to freak that they will be the third nominee. This angers King Paulie, who decides that Tiffany will indeed be the fall girl.
Tiffany brings the waterworks
But like her sister, Vanessa, Tiffany brings the waterworks. She heads up to the HOH room, flipping out as she asks King Paulie to give her a reprise and not put her up as a pawn. She’s paranoid and thinks this whole thing is just to backdoor her and not Vic. But Paulie convinces her to trust him; it’s Vic he wants out. Tiff is safe.
Paul has a concussion?
After this drama subsides, Paulie tells the group about Paul’s concussion. (What?!) He says that Paul got it not from a comp, but from jumping on a bed, missing the pillow and hitting his head on the headboard — something that, for some reason, only he seems to know about (of course!).
Poor Paul
Paul does look pretty bad, though.
Bye, Tiffany?
Anyway, like I said, Paulie continues to shake things up, and people are taking notice of his power. It’s even motivating others to rethink their positions. For instance, James and Frank consider the 8-Pack dropping Tiffany and adding Paulie instead.
The Spy Girls in the dark
The only people who seem to have been in the dark about all of this were the Spy Girls (Bronte, Bridgette and Natalie), but there is one moment where Nat and Bronte realize that people will lie right to your face. Playing an honest game will never help you win, and they are shocked.
Bridgette knows what’s up
Bridgette, on the other hand, is a bit more sly. She tells her fellow Spy Girls that King Paulie is in charge and that she’s figured out a thing or two about what’s really going on in the house. Conclusion: Bring in more girls and make it a Girls vs. Boys alliance.
Nicole’s striptease
But let’s not dwell on a sour note. Let’s just say “Happy Birthday” to Nicole with hopes that she enjoyed her birthday striptease.
Week 4: Paulie finally knows about 8-Pack
I’m not going to lie to you. It was a rough week. Victor was back-doored, the Spy Girls are falling for Frank’s charms and newer, smaller alliances have been formed.
Just to be sure we’re on the same page (spoilers!): Bridgette is HOH (which means she and her team, Category 4, are safe, and this includes Frank); but according to Big Brother Updates (on Twitter), Bridge is also on crutches! The better news is that she won POV and will most likely pull Bronte off the block, but we shall see. Paul is the new target of 8-Pack, which became a 5-pack and maybe even a 4-pack but also a 2-pack. Allow me to explain.
This week on BBAD, Frank went behind Day’s back (and the rest of the alliance) to tell Paulie that there was an alliance and it had a name: 8-Pack. Paulie thought he was part of that group the whole time and didn’t realize how organized they had been without him.
Mama Day’s pretty upset
Day was very upset when she found out that Frank acted on his own without the consent of 8-Pack, and she immediately got to work on creating a 5-pack — but after Tiffany proved a liability, she made it a 4-pack (Da’Vonne, Nicole, Michelle and Zakiyah).
Mama Day gets to work
Day put a bug in Frank’s ear that Tiffany wants him out before jury. Frank already had a plan to keep Tiffany insecure, paranoid and crying. He said that is what will make her screw up, and he wants her uneasy. That plan has worked so far…
Paulie and Corey team up
But now the real twist. Everyone is pairing up — not as showmances but as tiny, you-and-me-will-go-to-the-end alliances. Paulie and Corey have one and they talked about it privately.
Everyone’s skeptical of Frank now
Meanwhile, the houseguests are beginning to see Frank as a manipulative puppet master. He tells James that he is going to honey up to Bridgette and that James should do the same to Natalie. Even if James is not interested, he should pretend to be. “You gotta do what you gotta do!” Frank tells him.
Frank and James team up
Then Frank and James make another side alliance of two. They want to get Corey and Paulie out sooner rather than later.
Poor Corey
So handsome. So naïve.
Watch out, Spy Girls!
Anyway, the Spy Girls are just as bad since they have no idea what a con artist Frank is and fall for his game, allowing him to make the HOH decisions. It’s the perfect plan. Frank pulls the strings; Bridgette gets her hands dirty. Bridgette tells Natalie, “Frank has been helpful.” (Yikes!)
Bronte has a secret
But what Frank, James, Day and all the other side alliances do not know is that Bronte admitted to her fellow Spy Girls a deep dark secret that she’s been keeping. First, the girls bond over the fact that they are besties and will stick together no matter what.
Bronte reveals the third twist
Then, Bronte — who is now on the block once again (with Paul and Tiffany) after Frank won Roadkill and nominated her — is feeling very vulnerable. So, she decides to tell the Spy Girls her big secret, something she can’t keep in any longer and it’s been killing her. She reveals that she is the third twist in the show: the “Secret Nerd” (yawn). Bronte says she is not a childcare specialist who never went to college but an aspiring Ph.D. smarty-pants mathematician who needs money to go to grad school.
The Spy Girls freak out
The Spy Girls are seriously shocked but excited, so they jump up and down on the bed to celebrate their alliance with the house nerd.
Frank gets cocky
This is great news for us BBAD and BB18 fans because just as Bronte is telling the Spy Girls about her mad math skills, Frank is bragging to Michelle that he is great at math and that if the next comp is a math one, he pretty much has it in the bag.
Frank, be gone!
Conniving Frank may be running the house now, but those who are onto him want him gone. Tiffany is the only one who has been honest about it from jump. Frank is safe this week, but it seems that he might not be safe for too long.
Week 5: Frank is gunning for Day
The one thing we know about Big Brother is that it’s a lot like junior high school. The person who is your BFF on Monday can be your archenemy by Friday. Maybe you’ve realized that the science geek can help you pass a test or the cheerleader can get you into a party, so you befriend them instead. Which is why no matter how many times Paul exclaims, “Friendship!” there isn’t any.
Tiffany, who is sort of a floater, learns from James that being associated with her is risky for him, saying, “You get leprosy when you’re on the block.” We’re about to find out how true that is.
This alliance doesn’t have a name yet, but I’m calling them the “Never-Frank” group. They meet to bond over Frank’s desire to rule despite having nobody on his side. Paul reveals that Frank is gunning for Day.
Frank’s kissing ass
Paulie starts to look like The Godfather, telling the Never-Franks that Frank has been kissing his ass since he won HOH… again!
Frank kissed Day?
But Day tells Paulie that Frank did another kind of kissing! She says Frank kissed her on the cheek while she was brushing her teeth or fixing her braid or doing something boring, just to let her know that he is onto her. It was the old-school Italian movie-guy kiss of death.
Which Corey realizes that he got, too. Frank kissed him on the cheek as a warning.
Frank and Tiffany figure things out
Meanwhile, Frank and Tiffany figure out that it was Day who had been encouraging them to hate each other and Day who had been poisoning the HGs against Frank (although Frank is doing a bang-up job of that all on his own). So not only has Tiffany literally gotten into bed with Bridgette and Frank…
Tiffany and Frank make a pact
But — horror of horrors! — Tiffany and Frank have made a pact of some sort. I’d call it an alliance, but they didn’t name it. Anyway, they are sharing secrets with each other. In fact, Tiff told Frank that Paulie and Corey are gunning for him.
Bridgette’s pleased
This all makes Bridgette very happy because she says that Paulie messed up her HOH. She wanted Bronte to at least get to jury because of all the student loans, Ph.D., smarty-pants stuff, but Paulie is just ruthless!But to show how two-faced Frank is…
Corey’s on the block, thanks to the Roadkill winner
Corey, who is now on the block, tells Frank that he wants to know who won Roadkill and put him up there because he doesn’t get why anyone would come for him. He thinks Frank had a hand in it. Did he? Well, guess who won Roadkill this week!
Tiffany was the Roadkill winner
Tiffany finally wins a comp just when everyone thought she was nothing like her sister. Oh, speaking of her sister, how’s this for a Mean Girls moment…
Michelle & Z talk smack about Tiffany
Here is the dialogue for this scene, in which Michelle and Z talk smack about Tiff.
Michelle, all sarcastic-like: “You got picked to play ’cause you’re someone’s sister. Good for you.”
Z: “I hope they looked at her head and made sure she was stable enough for this game.”Burn Book time!
Natalie and crew warned James about Tiffany
Meanwhile, Natalie, Michelle and Nicole warn James about getting close to Tiffany. They tell him that Tiff admitted she studied Audrey’s game from last season and learned that James is a sucker for women who confide in him.
Paul helps James and Paulie figure out how to blow up Frank’s game so that on a week that he is not safe, they can have the votes to get him out. (#NEVERFRANK)
The boys also speculate, over homemade French fries, that next week is the first double eviction of the season.
Paulie targets Natalie
And, finally, I want you look at sweet Natalie in her sweet bow. See how sweet she is? Who would threaten this Little Bo Peep? Paulie, that’s who. Even though (spoiler!) he put her up for eviction this week. It was to blackmail her. He tells her that if she doesn’t vote the way he tells her to, she and her bow are going home.
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