There’s a new film threatening to expose the secret agenda of Hillary Clinton, but do all the accusations make sense?
Hillary was “radicalized”
Hillary Clinton wrote her 92-page thesis on social activist Saul Alinsky and kept it hidden during the Bill Clinton administration. But you can read the 21-year-old student’s thoughts — both for and against — Alinsky’s political ideas by clicking here.
Professor Alan Schechter told NBC news, “The notion that a 21-year-old idealist somehow remains a 21-year-old idealist their whole life — she’s not a radical at all. I think she’s very mainstream. She’s a pragmatist. She’s a much more thoughtful, cautious, careful, pragmatic person — she’s been burned so often.”
More radical than Saul Alinsky
The movie’s writer/director, Dinesh D’Souza, claims that Hillary “outsmarted” Saul Alinsky by wanting to work from within government instead of mobilizing voters and bringing about change through the masses.
Plan to take over
The movie claims that Hillary Clinton planned to take over governmental institutions even before she met Bill Clinton. They say Hillary knew she wasn’t a good politician so she needed to find a “pitch man” to help her achieve her goals and this is why she married Bill.
Bill’s bad behavior
According to the film, the Democrats have set up Hillary to be the real victim of Bill’s “sexual abuse” so she could appear sympathetic. They also say that it was Hillary who orchestrated all of Bill’s sexual indiscretions.
Hillary was Bill’s “fixer”
The filmmakers claim that Bill had a sex addiction and that Hillary figured out that by tolerating it, she could make him dependent on her because he would need her to “fix” the situations caused by his behavior.
Hillary is the “war on women”
Former volunteer White House aid Kathleen Willie called Hillary “the war on women” after Willie alleged that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her in 1993. Willie’s book, Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton shares her experience of dealing with both Clintons. The U.S. Office of the Indepenent Counsel eventually declined to investigate Willie’s accusations due to insuffient evidence.
All Democrats are sex abusers
D’Souza claims that Bill Clinton’s sexual behavior is “normal for Democrats” because Democrats come from a long line of slave owners who took advantage of the black women on the plantation.
Hillary enables Bill
The movie says that during the time of slavery, the wives of plantation owners didn’t have a choice about whether or not their husbands had sex with slaves. They say Hillary’s situation is different because she chooses to enable Bill.
Clintons looted the White House
The film accuses the Clintons of stealing thousands of dollars worth of furniture, china, rugs and electronics. The Clintons claimed the items were gifts but returned $28,000 worth of objects.
Modern-day Evita Peron
The filmmakers compare Hillary to Evita Peron, the former first lady of Argentina, for stealing donations that were meant for the poor by funneling them through the Clinton Foundation.
Responsible for the KKK
D’Souza claims the Democrats are still the party of the Ku Klux Klan, a violent group that advocates white supremacy. The Klan was founded by members of the Confederate Army in 1865 and continues to preach intolerence for racial equality and same-sex marriage. According to the Huffington Post however, it’s Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump who is rallying the Klan.
Democrats are for eugenics?
Eugenics, the belief that one race is genetically superior to another, was a social philosphy touted by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party in World War II. This seems like a unsubstantiated claim, considering it was the Democrats who elected the first black president, Barack Obama, in 2008. It’s also unlikely that Obama would endorse Clinton as the presidential nominee if she had a strong racial bias.
Racist for admiring Margaret Sanger
Hillary has said she admires the “vision” of Margaret Sanger, a birth control advocate and one of the founders of Planned Parenthood in the early part of the 20th century. The controversy comes from when a birth control clinic opened in Harlem, New York, to serve the poor black community. Some people questioned whether Sanger’s intentions were birth control or race control.
Clintons help Russia get uranium
The movie claims that Bill Clinton helped Canadian investor and philanthropist, Frank Giustra, acquire lucrative uranium concessions in Kazakhstan by sucking up to the country’s leader. They also say that three weeks later, Giustra wrote a $31 million check to the Clinton Foundation as a thank you.
Reason for Benghazi
D’Souza claims that the reason Hillary ignored the emergeny calls for help from Benghazi is because, “she couldn’t figure out how to make a buck off of them.”
D’Souza’s America
Hillary’s America:The Secret History of the Democratic Party opens in theaters July 15.
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