Tami Taylor was the perfect example of her own advice: While she was a compassionate woman who was always able to find it in her heart to forgive, “weak” was certainly not among her personality traits.
On fitting in
It’d be really great if the place Tami felt she belonged were with us — as our best friend.
On the future
Truer words have never been spoken. Success and happiness are far more common among those who didn’t peak in high school than those who did.
On raising kids
Before a child is born, it should be a legal requirement that the child’s parents binge-watch Friday Night Lights.
On making decisions
Tami’s response to a teenager’s question about what Mrs. Coach would say if her daughter were pregnant is pretty much the most perfectly supportive thing we’ve ever heard.
On being human
And Tami’s response to people who had an issue with what she told the pregnant teenager has us cheering no matter how many times we hear it.
On moving on
When it comes to logic, Tami Taylor is in a league of her own.
On understanding
This is such simple advice, but it says so much about the admirable way Tami Taylor lives her life.
On unconditional love
Tami Taylor’s capacity to provide unconditional love and support has never not inspired us to be better people for those we love the most.
On having faith
Our religion is Tami Taylor, and you best believe we are never shy about how much we worship her.
On compromise
Tami Taylor was no shrinking violet, and she made it very clear that it’s possible to be a supportive wife and mother without losing who you are as an individual. We love that a show that kicked off on the premise of a family moving because of a husband’s professional abilities and ambition ultimately ended with the family moving because of a wife’s professional abilities and ambition.
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