Hiddleswift has been getting a ton of press lately, but let’s not forget, first and foremost, he’s an amazing actor.
‘Nicholas Nickleby’
Hiddles’ big break was the role of Lord in the TV movie The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.
We loved us some Hiddles in a tank top as Oakley in 2007’s Unrelated.
‘Suburban Shootout’
And Bill Hazledine’s curls in the British TV show Suburban Shootout? Forget about it.
Hiddleston’s acting chops are in full display on the BBC show Wallander, which aired from 2008 to 2010.
Hiddleston was so good in Archipelago, Edward’s problems became our problems.
Be it in Thor, The Avengers, or Thor: The Dark World, Loki is always our fave villain.
‘Midnight in Paris’
Hiddleston nailed his F. Scott Fitzgerald in Midnight in Paris.
‘War Horse’
If you feel like crying your freaking brains out, then just watch Hiddleston as Captain Nicholls in War Horse.
‘The Hollow Crown’
Hiddleston is fire in any period piece he does, and his Henry V/Prince Hal in 2012’s The Hollow Crown is no exception.
‘Only Lovers Left Alive’
He made for one hot vampire as Adam in Only Lovers Left Alive.
‘I Saw the Light’
Hey there cowboy! In a shocking turn of events, Hiddleston played Hank Williams in I Saw the Light.
‘Crimson Peak’
This gothic film was filled with sexy moments with Hiddleston as Thomas Sharpe.
‘The Night Manager’
Um, yeah, it’s not to hard to understand why The Night Manager is one of our favorite shows.
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