I’m always shocked that the houseguests act surprised when Julie Chen announces a Big Brother twist for them. For 18 seasons, hasn’t the motto of the show always been “Expect the unexpected”? Let’s face it: This isn’t Big Brother unless there are several twists and turns. We’ve known about the new “Battle Back” comp, where the first five ousted houseguests get to battle it out for a chance to get back in the game (which means another shot at the $500,000). We’ve just been waiting for it to happen, and this week, it did. We learned that the “Battle Back” honor went to Victor, the third houseguest evicted. He’s back in the house but seems to be playing it cool this time around.
Click through for the rest of the Week 6 spoilers.
Jump straight to Week 7 spoilers.
Jump straight to Week 8 spoilers.
Natalie’s safe
But what you may not know is that after a grueling five-and-a-half-hour HOH comp, James has finally won something. He is this week’s HOH, which means that his showmance companion, Natalie, is likely safe.
Bridgette gets feisty with the producers
Instead, HOH James nominated Frank and Bridgette, who have been scheming in the dark. In fact, Big Brother producers yelled at them to turn the lights on. That’s when Bridge looked up at the camera like she was in some ’90s horror film and shouted, “Can’t you see me anyway?”
Bridgette’s bullied by the other girls
Getting back to the BBAD drama at hand, this week’s After Dark started with Bridgette having a heart-to-heart with the guys (Paulie, Paul, Victor and Frank). It seems that she is being bullied by the rest of the girls in the BB house. She caught them sticking their tongues out at her behind her back and saying mean things about her. The guys agree that it’s not cool and have sided with Bridge on this one.
Bridgette’s only ally
Her only ally is her remaining Spy Girl, Natalie, who is busy sharing all of this “bullying” talk with her showmance partner, HOH James. James says even he noticed that they had a birthday party for the stuffed giraffe but not for Bridge on her actual birthday.
Z and her giraffe
I mean, we all know Zakiya loves her giraffe, but come on!
Paulie & Frank team up
At this point, the two strongest players have been Frank and Paulie. They have a private convo where they realize that Bridge has their backs and that her being a target for the girls is good for the boys’ game. They agree that the final four should be the two of them with Bridge and Corey. Maybe backdooring Day is the move.
Nicole & Z
On the other side of the house, Nicole and Z are strategizing. JK! They’re talking about their showmances.
Z starts crying
Nicole is worried that if she and Corey keep their fling going after they leave BB, the long-distance thing may be an issue. You know how that goes. Z is worried that Paulie has a crush on Natalie and starts to cry.
Get it together, girl! This is Big Brother, not The Bachelor!
Paulie’s emotionless
But it seems that Zakiya may have something to cry over for real. Paulie tells Frank that he is competitive and wants to win. He says, “I’m emotionless, so I’m never gonna have my judgment clouded.”
Paulie doesn’t care about love; he cares about money and winning and strategizing.
Frank & Paulie… the new bromance?
He tells Frank that if they get Day out, James will shift his loyalty to them. He also admits that his connection to Z has been all about keeping him safe with Day, but that hasn’t worked out for him. So, are Z and Paulie no longer showmancing? Are Frank and Paulie bromancing?
Paul, odd man out
The one left out in the cold here is Paul. He’s caught between all of it, and nobody has his back. Now that the team twist is history and everyone is on their own, Paul does the smartest thing for his game: He runs to tell HOH James everything he heard Frank and Paulie discussing.
James second-guesses his nomination
James is not pleased and worries that he made a mistake in allowing the house to convince him that nominating Bridgette was a good idea.
Everyone hates Jozea
Paulie, Paul, Natalie and Z’s giraffe talk about their shared hatred of Jozea. They’re happy his fame-mongering, pretentious self didn’t win the Battle Back comp. Paulie says that he would never be friends with Jozea outside the house when the show is over.
Where’s Mama Day?
Oh, and if you’re wondering where Mama Day is in all of this: She climbed up the stairs, never to be seen again. Then the live feeds shut down. Maybe she’s in the secret room already? That’s the next Big Brother twist. Can’t wait to see what powers that room holds!
Week 7 spoilers: Corey + Paulie to the end
Let’s face it: Paulie and Corey are the OTP. Sure, Paulie can pretend that Z is his boo and Corey can pretend that America has shipped him and Nicole so hard, but if you watch BBAD, you’ll see plain as day that Paulie will be the last man standing with Corey by his side since he knows that he can win against him. But let’s pretend we don’t think that’s true and stick to the facts at hand, and the facts are that if Paulie and Michelle’s mouths are moving, they are talking game. It’s all they ever talk about.
Paul’s HOH
Major spoilers one and two are next, so brace yourself: Paul is HOH, and he has put up Bridgette, who has been mysteriously absent from BBAD the past few nights. Who will be the pawn sitting next to her, and who is the real target?
Backdooring Mama Day
Paulie, Corey and Vic decide they want to backdoor Day. Paulie convinces Paul to put up Bridgette and someone else, maybe Natalie. He will have James talk to her about that.
Nat threatens to dump James
What James realizes while talking to a very distraught Natalie is that he’s done enough favors for Paulie and his squad, so it’s payback time. “There is a hierarchy and we are at the bottom,” he says. So, Natalie will not be the pawn since he’s done their bidding and has gotten blood on his hands for them (plus Nat threatens to dump James if he turns on her like that).
Nicole refuses to be the pawn
Plan 2 was to have Corey talk to Nicole about going up on the block so they can backdoor Day. While she is on board with getting Day out, she will not sit next to Bridgette. She will not be on the block as a pawn.
Nicole approaches Natalie
Nicole is so riled up over Corey’s request, she goes to Natalie to ask her to be the pawn since she’s been on the block already.
Paulie approaches Z
Nicole is a strong player even though she is showing her weaker side with Corey. But he realizes that she won’t be a part of Paulie’s plan. Corey warns her to stay on his good side. On his last chance to find a pawn, Paulie talks to Z about being the pawn… I’m going to let you guess how that turned out.
Paulie makes a bold move
Paulie does the only thing he can do to make it look like he isn’t pulling the strings but he is (oh, he super is!): He tells Paul to nominate him. This means Paulie and Bridgette are up for nomination. So, who does the house want out?
Watch out, Day
There is only one other person who has been on the outs with everyone in the house, and that is Day. The plan is to backdoor her.
James talks to Day
In order to backdoor a houseguest, everyone has to be on board with it. That way, whoever wins POV pulls Paulie off and asks Day to take a seat next to Bridgette. They have the votes, so this can work. The key is to throw off the unsuspecting houseguest. So, James convinces Day that it’s Bridgette the house wants gone.
Paulie lies to Day
He tells her, “If I hear anything, I’ll tell you.” She tells him, “And vice versa.”
Even though Day has made it clear that it’s Paulie she wants evicted, Paul tries to convince her that he, as HOH, is not after her at all and neither is Paulie.
Michelle just doesn’t get it
Paulie checks in with Meech to stick to the plan and backdoor Day. He tells her that if Day goes this week, then next week it will have to be Bridgette or Natalie. This is when it should dawn on Meech that the boys are trying to get the girls out, but it doesn’t. She tells him she trusts his judgment more than anyone else in the house. Yikes, girl!
Nicole & Michelle bond over hating Day
Even Nicole doesn’t see that the boys are ganging up on them and checks in with Meech to make sure that they are on the same page. They bond over hating Day and seeing through Frank.
Nicole & Corey hook up
Nicole may be too blinded by love. The cameras finally caught her with Corey hooking up.
Natalie thanks America
Oh, and America, Natalie would like to say, “Thank you for the first care package!”
What’ll happen after Day and Bridgette are gone?
IMHO, once they get Day and Bridgette out, the show is going to be tough to watch. The rest of the crew has bonded so much that when it’s time to be ruthless, real feelings will be hurt. In the weeks to come, expect lots of anger and tears… or, as they say on BB, “Expect the unexpected!”
Week 8 spoilers: A new twist
Things between Paulie and Corey have cooled since Corey’s been getting down with Nicole. Paulie has moved on to Paul, and the PP bromance is heating up! PP have the same haircut, same style, and they’ve become so inseparable, Twitter is asking if they are the new #twintwist. But Paulie didn’t just let Corey go; he seems to have ditched Zakiyah, too. Or, more accurately, he has become a cold-hearted bastard.
Here’s what happened:
Victor wins HOH and has a discussion with the guys where that bastard Paulie says he isn’t feeling it with Z right now, so Vic can put her up. That would be fine with him. Why, Paulie, why? Why don’t you love her?! Z has been crying over Paulie for days. (If you remember, they had a fight when he wanted to sleep with Paul instead of her). Paulie decides he can’t take her drama anymore. #girlbye
Paulie lies to Z’s face
But then Paulie talks to Z, pretending everything is cool with them, and he actually has the audacity to say, “I’m gonna talk to Vic to see what he’s thinking.” You know what he’s thinking! You told him what to think, you lying son-of-a-b.
As if holding hands will help
He and Z even hold hands for a minute while he pretends that Vic may have made this decision because she and Vic don’t really connect.
Showmance snoozefest
These two again. Whispering and gossiping. This is the most boring showmance in the history of Big Brother.
But are Nicole & Corey any better?
At least it’s more exciting than these two. Though they do hook up, all Nicole ever talks about is what BB16 was like. Yawn.
Z approaches Paul
Anyway, Z is freaking out that she is on the block, so she and Paul have a very uncomfortable conversation where she says she doesn’t understand why she’s up for eviction. “Am I a pawn or is there a backdoor sitch that I’m unaware of?” Z asks.
Paul plays dumb, again
But Z doesn’t realize that she’s talking to her replacement: the new object of Paulie’s affection… or at least his loyalty. So, Paul plays it off like he has no idea what’s going on.
A new twist!
The houseguests learn of a new twist: James, as part of his care package from America, also gets to prevent two votes. @BB_Updates can explain it better.
Stay out of it, Z
Paul advises Z to just eat, go to bed and stay out of it. Stay out of it? This is her game, too! She’s upset that nobody warned her and that the boys seem to be turning the women against each other.
Z and Meech finally catch on
Z and Meech are starting to catch on that they are the odd women out. They bond over how much they hate Vic and practice their speeches.
Meech plans on telling Vic: “Nobody wants you in this house. We all hate you.”
Z decides she’ll do a poem: “Roses are red, violets are blue, you put me on the block, so eff you!”
Meanwhile, is #Nicorey turning into a two-headed monster? Maybe.
Buh-bye, Z
HOH Vic tells Meech that he knew he was being backdoored and that the only person he doesn’t connect with is Z, so she can go home.
Z asks Paulie for advice
But Z tells Paulie, “I don’t know what to do right now. What did you do when you were in this position?”
“I chilled,” he says, “and I let the other person go crazy and they went home. Get ready for the veto comp. You should be focused on that.”
Meech and Natalie make a deal
Meech is also thinking about the veto competition. She asks Natalie, “If I pick you to win the veto, would you take me off?”
Natalie (who has never won anything to date) tells her, “Yes. I promise.”
Wait, so now Meech is going home?
But that isn’t what happens. The veto players are Victor, Michelle, Zakiyah, James, Nicole and Paulie.
The new plan, dictated by Paulie, is that Meech is going home and that keeping Z is best for their game. Backdooring Bridgette is also an option. Z is happy.
What just happened?
But what made Paulie change his mind, I wonder? Could it be when Z came in to his room looking like this?
Yep, it was. He tells her, “You have a model’s body. A perfect body.”
Z: “No, I don’t.”
P: “You do.”That’s when things changed.
Meech is ‘dangerous’
When Z leaves, Paulie starts to explain to James that Meech is dangerous because she made it known that Paul is on her radar.
Also, Paulie claims that with Meech, you don’t know which way she’ll go. “She’s attention driven and jealousy driven” (and doesn’t look like Z), Paulie says. “This makes her dangerous.”
That bastard.
Weeks 2-5 spoilers
Did you miss spoilers for Weeks 2 through 5? Take a look now:
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