Ideally, our every thought should be carefully filtered through several different editing processes before our fingertips hit the keyboard and it gets sent into the galaxy for all to read. Sure, a whole mess of people fail to grasp this concept, and that’s where the comment sections on YouTube videos come from. The real problem happens when these people have considerable influence over a large group of followers. That’s right, I’m talking about celebrities.
Whether they like it or not, they have chosen a career that makes their words hold more weight than the average Joe’s and their influence over people (young and old) is a powerful sword to wield. Blake Shelton is like a gleaming example of exactly how not to wield that sword. Recently, he has come under fire for some (now deleted) tweets that showcase his pretty offensive and downright nasty view of the world around him. Luckily, the internet never forgets and screenshots live forever in infamy.
Here are some of the most grotesque thoughts that Blake Shelton just had to share with us all.
No, you can’t spot gay men
Guys, I don’t even know where to begin. This is something that a dumb, prepubescent kid would think is funny. It’s the humor you chuckle at before you grow enough neurons to know that ignorance is actually a bad thing. It’s absolutely not OK to perpetuate the stupid idea that you can spot a gay person based on their appearance. It’s also completely irresponsible to feed this turd pile to his many followers.
Don’t victimize Chuck Taylors
Um, Chuck Taylors are awesome. This one offends me on a whole bunch of levels. First, my husband and his groomsmen wore Chuck Taylors for our wedding, but maybe he should have worn cowboy boots instead. Would that make him cooler? Second, we love cucumbers in our house because hydration is important. Third, what are you trying to say here, Blake? Explain yourself.
Ah, racism in its purest form
Oh, so many things. Let’s start with the fact that it’s super nice (sense the sarcasm?) to call a complete stranger a dickhead for absolutely no apparent reason. Then, it’s even nicer to refer to said dickhead in a derogatory way because he dares to speak another language around Blake Shelton, who is apparently the sheriff of ‘Murica. The last part is just ignorance on a level that I will never grasp.
Oh, you don’t speak English, you say? Well, then obviously you are a terrorist.
This tweet is pure filth.
Hey, look! He slid some sexism in there too
Line up, ladies. Even if the relationship doesn’t last long, you know that you will be remembered and spoken of quite fondly.
Animal cruelty is fun, right?
Animal cruelty is fun to joke about, right? No? It’s not? It’s disturbing and horrific? I always forget.
To even joke about abusing an animal is completely deranged on a galactic level, but then to endorse this kind of behavior as comedic to a group of loyal and impressionable followers is borderline criminal. Gross.
There are not enough #facepalms in the world
This one is just dumb. Stop trying so hard to be funny, Blake.
Date rape is funny now, apparently
It’s fun and efficient to offend many different people at once. Blake made sure he touched all the bases, here. He made date rape look hilarious and he also categorized gay men as predators. Fun!
More animal cruelty ‘jokes’!
This tweet wasn’t very well received. People just get so touchy when you joke about murdering living things for fun.
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