Next time you’re binge-watching Friends, keep an eye out for all these hidden gems.
That waitress sure looks familiar
The episode: “The One with Chandler’s Dad,” Season 7, Episode 22
The egg: When Chandler and Monica head to Vegas to meet Chandler’s dad, the cocktail waitress is Alexis Arquette, David Arquette’s brother (Courteney Cox’s brother-in-law).
Something’s different in the opening credits
The episode: “The One After Vegas,” Season 6, Episode 1
The egg: In the credits, all the actors’ names are followed by “Arquette.” Why? Courteney Cox had just married David Arquette, and she changed her name.
First dates — with the producers?
The episode:Season 7 blooper reel
The egg: In one part of the blooper reel, Rachel says she never sleeps with guys on the first date. Monica then follows it up with three names: Kevin Bright, David Crane, Marta Kauffman. Sound familiar? Those are the executive producers of the show. This isn’t the only time the show makes mention of them, though.
Ah, that white dog statue
The episode: Several throughout the seriesThe egg: We all know about this white dog statue, but what’s the story behind it? Apparently it was given to Jennifer Aniston when she started acting as a good luck present from her best friend. Aniston then lent it to the show, and the producers kept it around.
All those Magna Doodle drawings
The episode:Several throughout the seriesThe egg: Ever notice that Magna Doodle board on Chandler and Joey’s door? Sure you have, and you’ve probably also noticed that the drawings and messages scribbled on it change constantly. For instance, when Chandler falls in love with Kathy, you can see “I’m really sorry” on the board. As for who’s responsible for the messages? It’s said the set dressers are usually the ones that draw on the Magna Doodle, but the messages aren’t only related to the show. Apparently some relate to their personal lives as well.
Girl, Marta — we see you
The episode: “The One with Ross’ Wedding,” Season 4, Episode 23
The egg: At the end of the episode, when Chandler and Joey are on the double-decker bus, the woman and man sitting behind them are none other than an executive producer and a writer of the show, Marta Kauffman and Adam Chase.
Holden McGroin and those familiar faces
The episode: “The One with Fake Monica,” Season 1, Episode 21
The egg: At the end of the episode, when Joey Holden McGroin is auditioning, those are the executive producers in the audience — Marta Kauffman, Kevin Bright and David Crane.
Marcel isn’t just a monkey
The episode: “The One After the Super Bowl (Part 2),” Season 2, Episode 13
The egg: Not only is Ross looking for Marcel in this episode, but he, Chandler, Joey and their dates (including Julia Roberts) eat at a restaurant named Marcel’s.
The story behind that yellow frame
The episode: Several throughout the series
The egg: We’ve all seen that yellow peephole frame in Monica and Rachel’s apartment. But how and why was it placed there? Originally it was a mirror, but it was smashed by a crew member by accident. So they placed it over the peephole.
Hey, who’s that guy?
The episode: “The One with Rachel’s New Dress,” Season 4, Episode 18
The egg: When Rachel gets caught in that dress, waiting to surprise Joshua, his dad who walks in is none other than Matthew Perry’s real dad!
The real story of Rachel & Joshua
The episode: Several in Season 4
The egg: When Rachel and Joshu-AH were on Friends together, they were actually midbreakup in real life. Yep, they dated, and according to Tate Donovan (the actor who played Joshua), working with Jennifer Aniston was so uncomfortable.
Susan Sarandon & her daughter
The episode: “The One with Joey’s New Brain,” Season 7, Episode 16
The egg: The girl Susan Sarandon slaps while filming her TV show is her daughter, Eva Amurri.
Here are those producers again
The episode: “The One After the Super Bowl (Part 2), Season 2, Episode 13
The egg: After Joey shakes Phoebe while screaming about getting away from a “horrible flesh-eating virus,” Phoebe turns around, and here we see the executive producers (again): Marta Kauffman, Kevin Bright and David Crane.
Aaaaand here they are again
The episode: “The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy,” Season 3, Episode 1
The egg: As the gang enters Central Perk, the executive producers are sitting on the couch.
It’s Joey on the wall!
The episode: “The One with Mrs. Bing,” Season 1, Episode 11
The egg: As Phoebe and Monica cross the street, there’s Joey’s VD poster on the wall from the episode “The One Where Underdog Gets Away.”
That’s her real name
The episode: “The One with Monica and Chandler’s Wedding (Part 2),” Season 7, Episode 24
The egg: When Rachel is trying to find a minister, she finds a wedding ceremony where one of the last names is “Anastassakis.” This was her last name before her family changed it when they moved to the U.S. Crazy, right?
That ever-changing blackboard
The episode: Several throughout the series
The egg: Next time they’re in Central Perk, keep an eye on the blackboard! Apparently the set designers frequently wrote some funny things on there.
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