Big Brother is a fascinating psychological study. Whoever becomes HOH starts taking things too far, acting arrogantly, and then begins saying and doing things that are hurtful and borderline outrageous. They’ve all done it — Paulie, Victor and now Natalie. The biggest revelation is what she said about Zakiyah, Paulie and their sex life.
“At least I didn’t have sex on TV,” she tells us. Then claims that’s what Paulie said. Allegedly Paulie told her about Zakiyah and him: “She pulled my dick out under the covers.”
Let’s hope she isn’t also describing the size of it.
Meet this week’s targets
Anyway, let's get to this unpredictable, back-stabby season. Games are being blown up left and right, bromances and showmances are being taken down and villains are defeated mercilessly. After Paulie's eviction last week, Natalie got to check "win HOH" off her BB18 bucket list. But it didn't come strife-free.She made a tough sitch tougher by putting these two up for eviction — Paul and Victor.
The real target, tho?
But who is Natalie's real target? This photo may shed some light…
Nat’s crying
The stress of putting "nice guy" Vic up gets to Natalie. She tells James that she feels terrible because she really likes him. Her target is Paul because she knows he's lied, and she says she understands his game. She doesn't trust him.
James to the rescue
James is quick to support his girl, telling her that, "Of course Vic is a nice guy. They put him in this house for a reason. They put you in this house for a reason."
Congrats, Meech
But there is a major twist that throws everyone off. America's Care Package went to Meech, and with it came the opportunity to not only be safe this week, but to also co-HOH with Natalie, putting Nat in an awkward position. Meech wants Corey out, not Paul, but she agrees to keep Paul and Vic on the block in order to stay on Nat and James' good side.
Vic gets to work
That's when Victor gets to work. He decides to first convince Meech that evicting Paul is not the move.
Watch out for Corey, Meech
Her target needs to be Corey, and here's why: 1) He still has not gotten a care package, so he's eligible; and 2) he wins comps (as opposed to Nicole who already got a care package and wins nothing). Plus, Corey loves that Ameritard he's wearing and everyone is sick of seeing him in it (or maybe that's just me).
It’s time for plan Get Corey Out
So now Meech, Vic and Paul have to get James on board with the Corey backdoor plan — and they do.
Paul says something MAJOR about Nicole
Paul explains to Natalie (HOH) that Corey and Nicole lied to her about him and that they're manipulating her. Paul tells Natalie that Nicole has accused her of trading sexual favors with James for protection. That was all Natalie needed to hear.
Nicole & Corey are oblivious, again
Meanwhile, Nicole and Corey, who think they are totally safe this week, discuss how stupid Meech was for going along with Natalie.
A new alliance is born
Meech, however, is happy to be on this five-person team, especially when she tells us that Vic promised to be "her protector."
Natalie realizes her big mistake
Natalie is upset that she effed up her one HOH win by believing Nicole and Corey. She realizes that Paul didn't lie to her but now she's put him in harm's way. "I effed up my HOH," she tells us, "by putting my friend on the block." Now she is on board AF with backdooring Corey.
The Sitting Ducks
But wait a minute, what is this odd hand motion? It's a secret alliance between Paul and Vic called the "Sitting Ducks." Seems like they have been a two-man alliance from Day 1.
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