Something shady is going on at CBS, starting with that POV Storm comp. Did you notice that we didn’t get to see much of it, only the scores at the end, where Paul mysteriously beat Michelle by just one point? What was the scoring system? Why did he win and she lose? No answers were given, only results. Next, you know when you watch a show and the stars’ names are in the description? Well, many TV guides say, “Paul Abrahamian,” as if he’s the star. Third, on one ep of BBAD, Paul spills it that CBS found him. He didn’t apply for the show; he was cast. This revelation surprised superfan Meech and caused Big Brother to announce: “Paul, you are not allowed to talk about production.” Oops.
Welp, Vic’s back
I’m not going to keep you in suspense: Victor won the Battle Back comp again — and is very proud of himself to have made BB history by winning his way back twice after being evicted twice!
And here’s your new HOH
The comps were intense. It came down to Nicole and James. James made Nicole promise to not put him and Natalie up if he lets her win. She promised. He dropped. She lied.
Shady Nicole
No sooner was Vic back in the house that another new alliance formed. The Sitting Ducks (Paul and Victor) bonded with showmance NiCorey and decided on a target together. Paul tells HOH Nicole that he and Vic “will never work with those three (Nat, Meech, James) ever!”
Bye, Michelle
So who is the target this week? It’s Meech. She has not only been outspoken, but if you’re watching the live feeds, you know that she and Paul really went at it. That #friendship is canceled!
The Sitting Ducks
The Sitting Ducks tell America that we need to vote for them to win BB18. They give us several reasons while they drag everyone else in the house to the ground.
Enjoy that whine
While Meech enjoys some whine, Corey, Nicole and Victor enjoy some wine in the HOH room.
Drunk Nicole
Drunk HOH Nicole flashes the new Final Four alliance gang sign as she’s called into the diary room.
Paul, the star
But as I said earlier, Paul is the “star,” as evidenced by their giving him mucho alone time with him and his camera, sharing his thoughts with America.
To solidify their bond, since they can’t get matching tattoos, the Sitting Ducks and NiCorey have a toast to their imminent success.
Corey gets that cash money
But the biggest spoiler is the lame care package. It went to drunk Corey, but it’s only $5,000 that he can use to bribe another HG. No co-HOH, no super-safety, just cold, hard cash.
James contemplates
As James eyes the memory wall with Corey’s lame care package in the background, he contemplates how this next week will play out.
The new Final Four
The new Final Four alliance has their target in place. Nicole (HOH) put up Meech (target) and Paul (pawn) for eviction.
Will we see another twist?
But is there another twist coming? Will the Final Four actually be the two showmances? How safe are Natalie and James after the jurors warned Vic to get James out ASAP? This season changes moment to moment, so we will keep an eye on the live feeds for you for all the answers!
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Want more? Check out what else happened on BBAD that you probably didn’t see on TV:
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