For the past 13 seasons, NCIS has been creating special memories for its fans. There have been so many memorable moments that it’s sometimes hard to keep track of or remember them all, but really, true NCIS fans should know them all by heart.
Yes, there are those moments that are obviously memorable, like when Tony and Ziva kissed, when Abby found out she was adopted, when Gibbs went on hiatus or when McGee met Delilah. Then there are those other moments that some viewers may have completely forgotten about, totally missed along the way or consider so insignificant that it shows why they aren’t a die-hard fan of the series.
So if you want to prove to yourself and others that you are a true NCIS fan, let’s see if you remember these moments that are truly unforgettable to the most dedicated fans.
Abby finds out about Gibbs
In Season 7, Abby traveled to Mexico with McGee, where she learned the truth about the death of the man who killed Gibbs’ wife and daughter. After discovering that Gibbs shot and killed Pedro Hernandez, Abby definitely felt conflicted about what she should do and how she should feel about Gibbs’ actions. It’s a heartbreaking moment and one that NCIS fans will never forget.
Tony honors Tali
When Ziva first came onto NCIS, she made it known that she lost her sister Tali at a young age. In Season 10’s “Shell Shock: Part II,” she opened up to Tony about how she’d go to the opera every year on her birthday to honor her. When she couldn’t get tickets that year, Tony honored Tali by playing opera for Ziva in the squad room, and it became one of the most heartwarming moments to have ever occurred between Tiva.
The origin of Gibbs’ rules
NCIS wouldn’t be the same without Gibbs’ rules, but when fans learned the origin of his rules, it was something that stuck with them. Season 6’s “Heartland” found Gibbs back in his hometown of Stillwater, where he not only introduced his team to his father, Jackson Gibbs, but thanks to some meaningful flashbacks, fans saw the first interaction ever between Gibbs and Shannon. Their cute meet was also where viewers discovered Shannon was the one with the list of rules, and it’s something that Gibbs picked up thanks to her.
Gibbs and Tony meet
Before Gibbs and Tony were fighting crime alongside each other at NCIS, Tony was busy being a Baltimore cop. When NCIS decided to show how Gibbs and Tony first met, how Tony got recruited to Gibbs’ NCIS team, and when Gibbs gave Tony his very first head slap in Season 8, it definitely became a memorable Gibbs-and-Tony moment.
Palmer proves himself
Palmer doesn’t get out of autopsy a lot, but that changed in Season 5 during the “About Face” episode after Palmer saw a perpetrator at a crime scene. He then became front and center of the investigation. By episode’s end, Palmer proved he was so much more than just a medical examiner but an actual badass who can catch criminals too, though not fully at Gibbs’ level.
Tony saves Gibbs
Season 5’s “Requiem” was an emotional episode for a number of reasons, but mainly because it highlighted Gibbs’ past with his daughter Kelly, thanks to her childhood friend reaching out to Gibbs for help. It became even more emotional when Tony had to save both Gibbs and Kelly’s friend from drowning. It’s just one of the many times Tony was a hero.
Abby takes down Chip
One of Season 3’s best episodes is “Frame Up,” where Tony got framed for murder. But what made the episode so memorable was when Abby took down Chip (the man who framed Tony) all by herself and showed that you never mess with her and that yes, she is so much more than a forensic scientist.
The elevator hug
Watching Mike Franks die in Season 8 will never be easy, but what is also hard to watch is when Tony, Ziva, Abby and McGee have a group hug in the elevator to console one another over the tragedy. Whenever these four bonded, it was memorable, but this particular moment is even more meaningful.
Kate’s sister
Fans were in for a shock when, in Season 8, a woman named Dr. Rachel Cranston appeared. At first it seemed like she was just there to conduct mandatory psych evaluations, but there was so much more to her. She was actually Kate’s sister. How can you ever forget that moment, especially when it tied back to Kate?
Ducky’s tie
Fans have come to love Ducky for his fashionable bow ties. However, in Season 7’s “Double Identity,” the team noticed there was something off with their lead medical examiner. Eventually they realized he was no longer wearing bow ties but rather a regular necktie. Not only was it revealed that his mother had died but that Ducky had a girlfriend and wanted to try something new with his tie choice. Thankfully Ducky went back to the bow ties.
McGee becomes a badass
As memorable as the Season 7 premiere was for Tony sitting across from Ziva in attempts to rescue her after she was kidnapped, the moment that really should stand out to fans is how big of a badass McGee was in that episode. Yes, he was on the ground for most of her rescue, but he played it so cool, never once twitched, and when it was time to escape, his performance was pretty much amazing.
Kate and Tony go undercover
Unlike that time Tony and Ziva went undercover, fans will never forget that Tony and Kate went undercover first. It seriously is unforgettable, because not only did they play a couple, but their outfits, accents and banter made for one of the funniest moments these two ever shared.
Tony and Ziva hold hands
Out of all the Tiva moments, there is just something about this one, and probably because Tony and Ziva got into a car accident. But before that awful event happened, Tony and Ziva held hands like two people who were so deeply in love but just haven’t said it out loud yet. It’s a chill-inducing moment, and to see how they stared at each other with adoration was a beautiful thing.
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