Author Ransom Riggs was completely inspired by the following creepy Victorian photos for his film.
Emma Bloom
This Victorian photo of a floating baby clearly inspired Riggs to create the character Emma (Ella Purnell).
Millard Nullings
Also from Riggs’ collection, this photo inspired the character of Millard (Cameron King).
The Masked Ballerinas
This strange photo inspired the Masked Ballerina twins (Joseph and Thomas Odwell).
Hugh Apiston
This photo of a bee enthusiast inspired Hugh (Milo Parker), the boy with bees living inside his stomach.
Alma LeFay Peregrine
This photo of a Victorian woman sparked Riggs’ imagination to create Miss Peregrine (Eva Green).
Bronwyn Bruntley
This barefoot girl inspired Bronwyn (Pixie Davies), a tiny tot with superhuman strength.
Jacob Portman
According to the Peculiar Children Wikia, the photo on the left is Jacob’s (Asa Butterfield) silhouette.
Olive Abroholos Elephanta
This girl holding fire in a bottle sparked the idea for fire starter Olive (Lauren McCrostie).
Claire Densmore
Riggs thought these curly locks must be hiding something, so he created Claire (Raffiella Chapman).
Enoch O’Connor
The sad little boy with two dolls inspired Enoch, the boy who can make dolls (and skeletons) come to life.
Fiona Fruanfeld
This girl was obviously in tune with nature and helped Riggs grow the character of Fiona (Georgia Pemberton).
Horace Somnusson
This dapper little chap spawned the character Horace (Hayden Keeler-Stone).
Miss Finch
Miss Finch (Judi Dench) is an ymbryne, just like Miss Peregrine, only her time loop is in London.
More creepy photos
The next photos are also very eerie and could inspire all kinds of quirky characters.
Getting ahead
This photo was a hoax, but the theme of decapitation seemed to be popular in early photographs.
Pumpkin head
It appears that Grandma’s lost her head.
The dress
We’re surprised to see such a fancy dress on a headless woman.
Lizzy Borden wannabe
It might not be such a great idea to get your picture taken while you’re still holding the murder weapon.
A medical student’s dream
Those are real cadavers surrounding this medical student posing for an interesting role reversal.
Girl with backward knees
This girl was known as the “The Camel Girl” and made a good wage working in the circus. Her name was Ella Harper.
Apparitions in the aperture
It was popular for early photographers to create fake photos that looked like spirits are hovering over the subject.
Girl with cat and skeleton
There’s so much weirdness going on in this photo, we can’t even.
The entire coven showed up to be photographed.
Another home with peculiar children.
Three little dears
We’ll never know how the photographer convinced these kids to wear deer heads, but it couldn’t have been fun.
Baby (and horse) got back
Proof Kim Kardashian wasn’t the first big-bottomed hottie.
Jacob and Emma
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children opens in theaters today.
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