It’s been a while since we’ve all seen Season 2, so here’s a reminder of what happened to all of the characters at the end of the season. In case it isn’t clear: Spoilers ahead!
Alex is headed back to prison, thanks to Piper selling her out. Now the question is: What will happen between her and Piper?
Bennett finally confessed he’s Daya’s baby’s father, not Pornstache. Caputo, surprisingly, lets him off the hook.
Thanks to Piper, Caputo has managed to get rid of Fig, meaning he’s now the Assistant Warden.
Daya really put pressure on Bennett to man up and tell Caputo the truth about their affair and the baby.
Larry and Piper’s best friend, Polly, pretty quickly decide they’re madly in love.
After dealing with her own crazy, stalker past, Morello ends the season with the selfless act of helping Rosa escape prison.
Nicky steals Vee’s stash but then stares at it a little too long for comfort.
Piper outs Alex’s plans to skip out on her parole and then reads Alex’s apology letters with a small smile on her face.
Red got a serious slocking from Vee but will, thankfully, recover.
Rosa makes her grand escape and gives Vee what was coming to her all of Season 2.
Suzanne aka Crazy Eyes
Things don’t look so good for Crazy Eyes after losing Vee, who made Crazy Eyes feel like she belonged.
Not even Pennsatucky’s new teeth could save her friendship with Healy after Safe Place fizzles out.
Season 2 didn’t end so well for Vee. Though, her getting hit by a van sure did wrap the season up with a nice little bow.
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