Sherlock Season 4 is certainly pulling out all the stops. First, Mary dies in the first episode. Then, the second episode drops a major bomb. Fans have suspected for some time that Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes have another sibling (also referred to as “the other one”), but we’ve mainly assumed it was a brother named Sherrinford.
Well, that certainly could still be the case, but as it was revealed in “The Lying Detective,” the Holmes brothers also have a sister. That’s right, Sherlock and Mycroft are brothers to a sister named Eurus.
At the end of last Sunday’s episode, John discovered his therapist isn’t really a therapist, but Eurus Holmes. The bombshells don’t stop there, because Eurus was also the woman John met on the bus. Oh, she also pretended to be Culverton Smith’s (Toby Jones) daughter, who came to Sherlock during a case involving Culverton, aka a terrifying serial killer. Mind-blowing, right?
Now that we know about Eurus, let’s try to learn everything we possibly can about her.
The meaning of Eurus
There’s always some kind of meaning to a name, and the same can be said of Eurus.
Upon John realizing his therapist’s true identity, Eurus said to him, “Isn’t it obvious? Haven’t you guessed? I’m Eurus. Silly name, isn’t it? Greek. It means the East Wind. My parents loved city names. Like Eurus or Mycroft or Sherlock. Oh, look at him. Didn’t it ever occur to you, not even once, that Sherlock’s secret brother might just be Sherlock’s secret sister?”
This actually isn’t the first time “the East Wind” has been mentioned on Sherlock.
‘The East Wind’
If you recall, in the Season 3 finale, “His Last Vow,” Sherlock told John, “The East Wind takes us all in the end… it’s a story my brother told me when we were kids. The East Wind — this terrifying force that lays waste to all in its path. It seeks out the unworthy and plucks them from the earth… That was generally me.”
In the same episode, Mary asks John if Moriarty has returned. He replied, “Well, if he is, he’d better wrap up warm. There’s an East Wind coming.” Was this the series’ way of telling viewers Eurus would be coming to Season 4?
None of the above can be a coincidence, right? Mycroft told Sherlock that story for a reason. He had to be referring to Eurus and it also doesn’t seem like Sherlock made the connection to his sister. Though, maybe Sherlock doesn’t even know he has a sister, but more on that later.
‘Miss me?’
What are the chances that Eurus’ “mutual friend” she referred to is Moriarty? After all, when Sherlock used a black light on Eurus’ note, it read, “Miss me?” That’s the same phrase Moriarty broadcast to Sherlock at the end of Season 3.
Maybe, just maybe, Eurus is the one sending her brother the “Miss me?” message now that Moriarty is dead. Also, what if she has been the overall big bad this entire time? There’s a possibility she told Moriarty to torture her brother.
If we had to put our money on something, it’d be that there is some type of connection between Eurus and Moriarty.
Eurus = Sherrinford?
After Eurus said to John, “Didn’t it ever occur to you, not even once, that Sherlock’s secret brother might just be Sherlock’s secret sister?” did anyone else just assume maybe there is no Sherrinford and that Eurus is the only other Holmes sibling? Maybe Sherrinford is something completely different, like an organization rather than a person.
Though, if that’s not the case at all, then maybe there is still another Holmes brother out there named Sherrinford. Also, what if that means Tom Hiddleston can still come on as Sherrinford?
To confuse you even further, what if Eurus is Sherrinford? She obviously likes to take on different identities and is really good at it, so maybe somehow she and Sherrinford are one in the same.
Whatever or whomever Sherrinford is, Eurus just might be the key to it all.
‘It’s never twins’
You know how Sherlock always says, “It’s never twins“? We have a feeling twins may be a big part of this Eurus Holmes mystery.
What if this time around it is twins? What if Eurus is Sherlock’s twin? This is the world of Sherlock Holmes we’re talking about, so there is a very good possibility that Sherlock’s theory about twins could be proven wrong.
The number 3
In “The Lying Detective,” Sherlock made a valid point. After Culverton Smith said he found all three of Sherlock’s recording devices, Sherlock said that too many people give up after the number three. What if Eurus isn’t the only secret Holmes sibling?
Thanks to Eurus’ introduction and the above piece of information, this all could possibly mean there is a fourth Holmes. We still have no idea who/what Sherrinford is, so maybe “the number three” is foreshadowing the appearance of another Holmes brother.
Where has she been?
We’ve never heard of Eurus before, so where has she been? What has she been up to? Is there a chance that we’ve seen her before in some disguise and just haven’t realized it?
It seems likely that Eurus has been locked away, maybe in either prison or a mental institution. If that’s not the case, then she could have been in hiding all of these years.
Here’s hoping more of Eurus’ backstory will be revealed in the Season 4 finale.
That young Sherlock memory
In both the first and second episodes of Season 4, a flashback of young Sherlock has been shown. There’s a reason for this, yes?
Now that Eurus has popped up, there’s always a chance that she is connected to this memory Sherlock keeps having. This brings us back to our earlier thought of Sherlock possibly not knowing he has a sister. Maybe his memories as a child with his sister/twin are coming back to him. We haven’t seen the whole memory just yet, so it’s not really clear what the connection is.
If the flashback of young Sherlock is tied to Eurus, it’s likely he is trying to remember he has a sister. If he doesn’t remember her, that brings up a whole bunch of other questions, like why doesn’t he remember her?
She’s Sherlock smart
Based on all of her disguises, secrets and lies, there is no doubt that Eurus is just as smart as Sherlock. Is there a chance she learned all of her tricks from her brother?
What we do know is that Eurus is not someone to be messed with.
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