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Ranking All the Worst Wigs in ‘Game of Thrones’ History

For the most part, Game of Thrones — like everything else the show does — absolutely crushes the wig game. The elaborate braids and stunningly perfect waves are a sight to behold. In fact, Game of Thrones-style hair has become a wedding trend for ladies everywhere. And who wouldn’t want luscious locks like Daenerys is rocking right now in Season 7?

That being said, there have been a few instances where the show misses the mark. Granted, sometimes they miss it intentionally in order to showcase a character’s strife. Other times they just downright miss.

From the least horrendous to the eyesores, we’ve got your ranking of the worst Game of Thrones wigs. Not only are these funny to see, but they’re also a great way to look back at the show and remember the wigs that have come and, thankfully, gone. Though some are still haunting us in Season 7.

Which wig is the absolute worst? Click through to find out.

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