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33 Actors You Didn’t Realize Voiced Animated Movie Villains

While everyone loves a hero, here’s the rarely-talked-about truth: no epic story would be the same without its villain. And that is truer than ever when it comes to animated movies. After all, can you imagine Disney’s classic Lion King without Scar? Us either.

Animated movie villains and monsters often outshine the good guys, especially for those of us who are particularly dark and twisty — so much so that sometimes, in mid-watch, you stop to wonder, “Who does that villain’s voice belong to?”

Since most of us are too lazy to actually Google it in the moment, we soon forget. But what a loss! If we hadn’t started digging, we’d have never discovered that Peter Dinklage — Game of Thrones’ Tyrion Lannister himself — brought to life the evil ape pirate Captain Gutt in Ice Age: Continental Drift. This is clearly need-to-know information, guys.

So, keep scrolling to unearth the identities behind some of the best animated movie villains ever.

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