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Westeros & Other Fantasy Worlds We Wouldn’t Mind Being Stuck In

Stranger Things may be back on Netflix for Season 2, but if there’s one thing that’s a little too scary about this season, it’s probably the heavy focus on the Upside Down and the creatures that live there. I mean, who wants to live in a world where you’re constantly being hunted by the Demogorgon? Or what about a place where you can’t even enjoy your superpowers, like the ones Eleven has, because you’re too busy using them to stay alive? Thanks, but no thanks.

You know what, though? The Upside Down may be a bum option for fantasy worlds we want to live in, but there are plenty of others where we would absolutely love to take up residence. Think big: Westeros, Middle Earth, the Star Wars galaxy. If there’s magic, aliens or unusual rules to living in the world, even better — we want to experience all of it. 

Here are some of the fantasy worlds that, honest to goodness, we truly wouldn’t mind living in from here on out.

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