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These Classic Movies Turning 20 Will Make You Feel Old

We live in a world where remakes and superhero movies pretty much dominate the big screen (more than 30 TV shows and movies are getting the reboot treatment right now!), but that wasn’t the case 20 years ago, when studios released films that would become instant classics. We’re talking about There’s Something About Mary, You’ve Got Mail, Saving Private Ryan, The Big Lebowski — and the list goes on and on. 

While we’re beyond grateful for the movies that have brought us to laughter and tears throughout the years, we can’t help but feel like, damn, are we getting old? It was two decades ago when Cameron Diaz (as Mary Jensen) made, um, a unique kind of hair gel completely infamous; two decades ago when Tom Hanks (as Joe Fox) and Meg Ryan (Kathleen Kelly) gave online dating with dial-up a go; two decades ago when two space cowboys (Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck in Armageddon) were sent to drill into an asteroid that was going to collide with Earth. Where does the time go?

Well, as we make our way into the fourth month of 2018, here are the movies that celebrate their 20th anniversaries this year. 1998 was a great year for films.

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