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21 Celebrities Who’ve Sworn Off Dieting for Good


As more people become aware of the power of body positivity and body neutrality, Western culture’s obsession with dieting in order to be thin appears to be shifting. Popular media like AMC’s Dietland and celebrities like Lizzo are openly critiquing the fad diets and weight-loss plans that are pitched to us every day from every angle. And that’s a good thing.

This messaging is steeped in the sexism and fatphobia inherent to diet culture, which privileges thinness for women above all else — and at any cost. Not to mention, diets can actively harm people that partake in them. Dieting for the sake of weight loss usually doesn’t lead to feeling great. Plus, most people eventually gain back the weight they lost, especially if they lost it too quickly.

For some people, excessive dieting can even lead to eating disorders, such as anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, or orthorexia. An estimated 28.8 million Americans will experience an eating disorder at some point in their lives, according to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA).

Contrary to what diet culture would have us believe, people can be healthy — and unhealthy — at any size. It’s impossible to gauge a person’s overall wellness by looking at their body, or even by weighing them. There are simply too many other factors to consider.

That’s why people who adopt a body-positive mindset work with their bodies instead of trying to radically change them. This could look like choosing to eat foods that you find tasty and nourishing without counting calories or nixing entire food groups. It could also look like exercising for enjoyment or mental health benefits, not weight loss. Many people who practice body neutrality even forgo weighing themselves so they don’t fixate on an arbitrary number on a scale.

Some of our favorite celebrities have taken a more body-positive approach when discussing food, exercise, and weight loss in interviews. Thanks to their candor, more people are being exposed to healthier alternatives to diet culture.

Keep reading to learn more about celebs who don’t diet, from Demi Lovato to Camila Mendes.

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