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New Mom Products These Celebs Swear By

While love is the most important thing you can give a baby, it takes a bit more than that to help a tiny human thrive. Thankfully, modern moms have the internet — a magical place where you can find everything from parenting forums to Pinterest posts on childproofing your kitchen cabinets. However, sometimes a mama just wants to know exactly what products will make her oh-so-exhausting (but worth it!) life with baby easier. 

The internet certainly offers no shortage of information on that front, but that can actually make you feel more lost. How do you choose when there are so many sites touting myriad miracle items? You find out what other moms are doing, that’s how.

Since celebrities often have a beat on what’s new and trendy, we unearthed some of their top picks. So, when you need guidance narrowing down your shopping list, check out what 10 products Hollywood moms swear by. 

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