There are few things that can make you feel more alone than enduring infertility, and that isolation can be magnified by the way pregnancy is typically addressed on-screen. Really, how many movies have you watched in which a hapless couple gets knocked up accidentally and effortlessly? Or in which parents-to-be find out they are expecting multiples despite pregnancy not even being on their radar? While these scenarios are seemingly routine, the heartbreak of struggling to conceive is far more rare in film.
Although many people still struggle to speak openly about fertility issues (and that is reflected on-screen), it’s a very real issue. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly 12 percent of couples have trouble getting or staying pregnant — and the effect of that frustration can devastate a relationship.
If you’re part of that 12 percent, first of all, we see you and we empathize with just how tough this process is. Second, we’ve compiled a list of movies that focus on some facet of infertility. So, if you’d like to watch a movie that serves as an emotional touchstone, the following films are a good place to start.
‘Private Life’
Writer Tamara Jenkins delivers a poignant and beautifully complex look into the lives of a modern couple who, for all their effort, haven't been able to conceive. Or adopt. Nothing about growing their family has come easy.
Paul Giamatti and Kathryn Hahn brilliantly capture the choking sense of self-doubt and sorrow that infertility brings. Was it their fault? Should they have been focusing on babies instead of their careers? Will they ever be enough for each other again? Both funny and crushingly honest, Private Life is believable in the best (and worst) ways.
‘The Help’
Granted, the issue of infertility is a minor storyline in The Help. However, Jessica Chastain's portrayal of a woman who has suffered numerous miscarriages will break your heart wide open. It's unflinchingly authentic, to the point of being uncomfortable to watch at times. But, as anyone struggling with infertility knows, that's how it feels.
And it speaks to the fact that a woman doesn't have to carry a child to term to become a mother. Chastain's Celia displays classic maternal tendencies — prioritizing her guilt for her unborn child and for not making her husband a father over her own pain.
‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’
Although the title of What to Expect When You're Expecting suggests this movie is entirely about being pregnant, its multi-story approach follows several women who experience hitches in that journey.
Rosie (Anna Kendrick) accidentally conceives and later miscarries. Holly (Jennifer Lopez) and her husband decide to adopt, which gives insight into a less-explored facet of becoming a parent — what happens when you've put everything into this journey, only for one person to have doubts the closer you get to your dream coming true.
Last but not least, Elizabeth Banks stars as Wendy, a woman who puts in all the work and still can't get pregnant. But when she finally does, she finds that maybe being pregnant isn't quite as glorious as she thought it would be. And you know what? It's OK to feel that way, too.
‘Legends of the Fall’
You can also file 1994's Legends of the Fall under "movies with a minor infertility arc." However, if you're in the mood for a movie that softly addresses the issue as opposed to hitting you over the head with it, this could be a solid pick. Not only is this a nostalgic favorite, but it also features a character silently struggling with her inability to have children.
Susannah (Julia Ormond) nurses a broken heart for the remainder of her life after Tristan (Brad Pitt) leaves her. She mistakenly attributes Tristan's inability to fully love her to the fact that she was never able to bear any children while they were a couple. While she goes on to marry another, suffice it to say that this story doesn't have a happy ending.
‘Raising Arizona’
If you're looking for lighter fare — you've gotta laugh to keep from crying, right? — this 1987 classic will at least momentarily take your mind off of your troubles. A slapstick comedy, Raising Arizona tells the story of an ex-con named Hi who falls in love with a cop named Ed (short for Edwina) when she takes his mugshot.
The two of them get it in their heads that the picture of folksy American bliss can only be achieved by having a baby, only to find out they can't conceive. So, they hatch a hare-brained plot to steal one baby from a set of quintuplets born to a furniture tycoon.
Naturally, chaos and hilarity ensue as the consequences of their action begin to play out — including being hounded by a federal bounty hunter.
OK, yes, the allusion to infertility is super subtle in this family-friendly film. However, it is there, embedded in the amazing love story of Carl and Ellie. Up is a perfect pick if you need a pick-me-up or if you need a reminder that life is a beautiful journey, even when it doesn't feel that way.
‘Immediate Family’
Immediate Family doesn't exactly reinvent the wheel. In it, we see a childless couple who can't conceive but desperately wish they could. Then we see a young couple who get pregnant and don't know what to do about their "situation." Not surprisingly, they are introduced to the older couple and decide to let them adopt the baby. Of course, it doesn't all happen as seamlessly as they imagine.
But as trite as some of the storyline seems, there's heart to be found in this film. Plus, if you can get past Mary Stuart Masterson's hair, you'll be rewarded with strong performances by Masterson as the young mom, Kevin Dillon as the young dad and Glenn Close and James Woods as the hopeful adoptive parents.
‘Baby Mama’
With Tina Fey and Amy Poehler at the helm, this film rests squarely in the comedy category. However, it does explore (in a playful way) the idea that whether our bodies are able to conceive or not is pretty much a crapshoot.
Kate (Fey) does everything "right" — she takes care of her body like a temple, only eating healthy, organic food — but can't get pregnant. Then there's Angie (Poehler), who smokes, drinks and essentially subsists on only packaged pastries, yet gets accidentally knocked up. Sigourney Weaver as Chaffee Bicknell is thrown in there for good measure, too, as a woman seemingly well past her viable production years who, you know, keeps on producing.
Expect lots of laughs here, but maybe a little hope too. After all, Kate gets the guy and the baby in the end.
‘The Baby Dance’
This TV movie has a familiar premise: A wealthy couple seeks to adopt a child from a woman of decidedly lesser means. The spin, however, is that the dirt-poor woman (Laura Dern) isn't young and accidentally getting pregnant for the first time. She already has four kids at home, with an unemployed husband to boot. When she sees an ad for a wealthy Los Angeles couple (Stockard Channing and Peter Riegert) hoping to adopt, she responds.
While infertility is at the forefront of the plot, the movie dives deeper to touch on overarching themes like class barriers and how sense of place shapes a person.
‘Maybe Baby’
Maybe Baby takes you along for the ride as a London couple tries desperately to conceive. From the outside looking in, they seem perfect: great jobs, great cars, great looks. But infertility is an equalizer — it doesn't care who you are. A light comedy, this film takes a look at the lengths to which two seemingly rational people will go in the name of getting pregnant.
Hugh Laurie and Joely Richardson star as the struggling couple, Sam and Lucy Bell. And although their marriage had been rock-solid prior to their trouble conceiving, infertility (and everything that comes with it) puts their relationship to the ultimate test.
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