EXCLUSIVE: Watch Tina Fey and Amy Schumer make out (VIDEO)
By now you’ve probably seen the pictures of Tina Fey and Amy Schumer locking lips at the Peabody Awards. What no one has seen, though, is the full video of how it all went down. SheKnows has a clip of the moment.
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The 74th Annual Peabody Awards took place in New York City on May 31, but until now, no one has seen the entire ceremony. We’ve heard rumors of happenings and know, basically, who won. But we didn’t see it all go down. Pivot, however, will air the ceremony on Sunday, June 21, at 9/8c. Since the event already happened, Pivot was able to offer up an exclusive look at some of the must-see moments from the ceremony.
Luckily for us, we know friends in high places, and they hooked us up with this amazing clip of Schumer and Fey’s mini makeout session. There’s more to the clip than just the kiss, though. Fey’s introduction of Schumer is so sweet and truthful. It offers a perfect glimpse at why we should love Schumer and her impact on both comedy and feminism. Check it out above.
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Gasp! You’d think we’d be used to seeing two heterosexual leading ladies make out. Fey and Schumer are practically Madonna and Britney Spears right here. Yet, it never seems to stop shocking us. Of course, the biggest shock is knowing Fey started it. Fey and Schumer, though both hilarious comedians, are fairly different personalities. We genuinely pegged Amy as the instigator. Who would you rather kiss: Fey or Schumer? Honestly, we’d have a hard time deciding.
The 74th Annual Peabody Awards will air on Father’s Day on Pivot and we highly recommend you tune in. If this celebrity make-out shesh was just a teaser for the actual ceremony, can you imagine what takes place during the whole 90-minute special? You know we’ll watch to see what other antics happen on stage and off.
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