If you have heard the wild success stories of Hollywood starlets to everyday people who have joined the raw food movement, perhaps it’s time you consider going raw for your health, too. Here are five diet tips to go raw from raw food chef and nutrition educator Joy Houston.
If you have heard the wild success stories of Hollywood starlets to everyday people who have joined the raw food movement, perhaps it’s time you consider going raw for your health, too. Here are five diet tips to go raw from raw food chef and nutrition educator Joy Houston.
Raw food is a passion
Chef Joy Houston earned her certification in the Science of Raw Food Nutrition at the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute after experiencing the power of foods to heal her own fertility problems, skin conditions and mood swings. She doesn’t just eat raw, she is passionate about spreading the raw food word. Passionate about every aspect of food from farm to table, Houston supports local organic farming by hosting a weekly video podcast on iTunes called The Delicious Revolution. In addition, she teaches raw and living food classes and offers private coaching as well as online teaching with her Rocking Body Raw Food course.
Here are Houston’s five top tips for adopting a raw food diet.
1. Learn more about raw foodism
You might be surprised by the negative feedback or lack of support you get from those who care about you when they find out you?ve decided to take raw foods for a test drive. Don?t let the well meaning but misled masses scare you out of the benefits of raw food. There is a bounty of information available in my Rocking Body Raw Food courses and many others that can educate you about meeting your nutritional needs with a raw diet. The biggest argument you’ll hear is that you can?t get enough protein without meat and dairy. But that is simply not true. Two quick examples: almond milk contains more calcium than milk (and it?s more absorbable), and ounce per ounce, there is more protein in kale than beef!
2. Support your body’s natural detox processes
If you are switching from a standard american diet, your body will take the opportunity to detoxify once that stream of food is replaced with the vitamin-, phytonutrient- and enzyme-rich foods you will eat on a raw food diet. The detox process fools unprepared people into thinking that their new diet of fresh organic foods is making them sick.
Quite the contrary, fresh foods allow the body to release all the junk it was forced to store away through all the years of being bombarded by more toxins than it could efficiently handle.
You can support you body?s natural detoxification pathways with these simple techniques:
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- Drink plenty of fresh, clean water to dilute toxins.?
- Dry brush your skin.?
- Sweat no less than once a week, preferably more.?
- Alternate hot and cold water at the end of your shower (Contrast Hydro Therapy).
- Drink a detox tea.?
- Sleep well, taking a nap if you need it.
3. Start with green drinks and salads
Ease into raw with green smoothies and juices that are easier to digest since the plant cellulose (fibrous cell membrane) has been broken down through juicing or blending. Replace one meal a day with a big, green salad with homemade dressing.
4. Crowd out so you don’t feel left out
Focus on what you get to eat on the raw food diet instead of all the things you will be missing out on. Crowd out typical pasta with the delicious raw varieties and processed desserts with the mind blowing living dessert options. Pay attention to the fact that you are spoiling yourself with amazing, powerfully beneficial foods.
5. Don’t worry, be happy
Becoming a stress case over any diet works against the benefits you are after! The incorporation of raw foods can powerfully transform your health even in small steps. You don?t have to be fanatical or even 100 percent raw to reap the rewards.
For more raw food tips from Chef Joy Houston, visit TheDeliciousRevolution.com.
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