Hurrah! It’s World Vegan Day, giving you even more reason to share your fervor for the cruelty-free lifestyle with your friends, family, and anyone else looking for a healthy and eco-friendly diet change. Here are some ways to celebrate World Vegan Day.
Hurrah! It’s World Vegan Day, giving you even more reason to share your fervor for the cruelty-free lifestyle with your friends, family, and anyone else looking for a healthy and eco-friendly diet change. Here are some ways to celebrate World Vegan Day.
Ways to celebrate World Vegan Day
1. Attend a vegan festival
In the United States, you can attend the LA Vegan Day Celebration in Los Angeles, CA on November 1 or hop on over to Vegan Mania in Chicago, IL on November 5. For events around the world, check out The Vegan Society’s listing of vegan events.
2. Invite your non-vegan friends over for a vegan dinner
Whether it be today or anytime during November — World Vegan Month — invite a few of your meat-eating friends over for an impressively satisfying vegan meal. Make it a casual brunch featured vegan breakfast recipes or a more formal dinner showcasing your best vegan entertaining dishes. The best way to convert a non-vegan is to fill them up with seriously delicious vegan foods.
3. Know your veganism
Even though you’re following a vegan diet doesn’t mean you know what being vegan is all about. We can always learn more. Do some research online or pick up a new vegan-centric book to get more information and reacquaint yourself with the reasons you turned to a cruelty-free lifestyle. Here are just a few reasons to go vegan.
4. Donate to a vegan or animal rights charity
If following a vegan lifestyle isn’t enough, consider donating your dollars, services, or time to a vegan or animal rights organization. Visit The Vegan Society for ways to support the vegan lifestyle.
Even if you simply tell one person the benefits of a vegan diet or share a delish vegan meal with a non-vegan friend, you’re helping to spread vegan awareness, which is the best way to celebrate World Vegan Day.
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