Happy holidays shouldn’t be a meaningless phrase — you really should have a heart filled with joy during the holiday season. But all that smiling and laughter can mean deeper wrinkles around your eyes. This doesn’t mean you have to keep a stone face while everyone else is enjoying the season merriment, it just means taking a few skin care precautions to reduce the appearance of fine lines.
Happy holidays shouldn’t be a meaningless phrase — you really should have a heart filled with joy during the holiday season. But all that smiling and laughter can mean deeper wrinkles around your eyes. This doesn’t mean you have to keep a stone face while everyone else is enjoying the season merriment, it just means taking a few skin care precautions to reduce the appearance of fine lines.
Tips to keep you smiling with fewer fine lines
1. Sleep tight — and elevated
The rigors of the holiday season put you at an even greater need for rest. Prioritize getting 8 hours of sleep a night and make it beauty sleep by sleeping with your head elevated. Fluff your pillow or elevate it slightly with a thinner pillow underneath to keep fluids draining downward instead of into your facial tissues.
2. Bolster your diet with antioxidants and healthy fats
You are what you eat and your skin is a reflection of your diet. Comprise your diet of nutrient-dense foods, such as high-antioxidant fruits and vegetables to reduce inflammation and promote healthy cell turnover. Fill your plate with dark leafy greens, the most concentrated vegetable source of nutrients, and citrus fruit, which are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants. In addition, reach for healthy fats, such as avocado, olive oil, and flax, to nourish and plump your cells.
3. Don’t rub your eyes
Even though you may be running on fumes as you’re going from holiday gathering to holiday gathering, avoid rubbing your eyes since it stretches and irritates the skin.
4. Go gentle with skin care
It’s true: All those holiday festivities may require repeated removing and applying make up, so reach for skincare products that contain gentle, non-irritating ingredients that bathe your skin cells with nourishing ingredients.
5. Stress less
Though stress is common during the holidays, work to minimize it or manage it so that you aren’t in stress-mode until January. Prioritize regular exercise, make a massage appointment, get enough sleep, and don’t say “yes” to every single holiday request. Less stress in your life means less stress showing on your face.
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