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O.J. Simpson’s home a Meat is Murder museum?

Violence may not always be preventable but PETA wants people to know that they do have a choice to be non-violent when it comes to their diet. This week reported that PETA is in the market to buy O.J. Simpson’s home to turn it into a vegetarian museum.
Violence may not always be preventable but PETA wants people to know that they do have a choice to be non-violent when it comes to their diet. This week reported that PETA is in the market to buy O.J. Simpson’s home to turn it into a vegetarian museum.

O.J. Simpson’s home in foreclosure

O.J. Simpson is renowned for his 1995 murder trial and acquittal followed by imprisonment for a 2007 robbery conviction. His latest trouble involves his home going into foreclosure.

PETA’s vegetarian museum

PETA wants to transform Simpson’s home into a “Meat is Murder” museum as a way to demonstrate the senselessness of the killing of animals. Before you think this is solely related to Simpson’s past, Ecorazzi quotes Ingrid Newkirk, president of PETA, “Simpson…was once a spokesperson for and a franchise owner of two chicken restaurants, and he held a 50 percent ownership in eight HoneyBaked Ham stores.”

Stay tuned to see if PETA convinces JP Morgan Chase (the bank that owns the property) to donate the mansion or sell it cheap to the animal rights organization.

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