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Save money on fruits and vegetables

Though spring seems to bring our attention to the season’s bounty of fresh fruits and veggies, produce is a large part of the vegan diet all year round. To help you save money when budgeting for your weekly meals, here are a few tips to whittle your grocery bill when shopping for fruits and vegetables.
Though spring seems to bring our attention to the season’s bounty of fresh fruits and veggies, produce is a large part of the vegan diet all year round. To help you save money when budgeting for your weekly meals, here are a few tips to whittle your grocery bill when shopping for fruits and vegetables.

How to save money on fruits and vegetables

1. Buy in-season

Unless you’re just absolutely craving a fruit or veggie that isn’t in-season in your locale, commit to buying seasonally and locally grown produce. Many supermarkets will carry fruits and veggies grown in the community (and they will post a sign to let you know it) but even if they don’t, you can still save money by buying only fruits and vegetables that are in season since they will be cheaper and not imported from out of the country (which drives up costs).

2. Cut, slice, and dice your own

How much time do you really save by purchasing bagged salad greens, shredded cabbage, or sliced apples? You certainly aren’t saving money! Buy whole fruits and veggies and prep them yourself. Pull out that food processor and take advantage of its grating and slicing blades. Buy a couple of different types of lettuce and make your own salad mix along with fresh herbs. Take an afternoon to slice, dice, and shred produce so it is convenient for you to use through the week.

3. Buy organic wisely

If you’ve been buying organic produce, you already know that it can be expensive. Though organic fruits and vegetables are a healthy choice, you can save money by basing your buys on the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 guidelines. Some produce is safer than others when it comes to toxins and chemicals.

4. Take advantage of produce sales

Be flexible when shopping the produce aisle. Consider basing your upcoming week’s meals on the produce that is on sale. This is not only budget-friendly, but it is also good for you since eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables delivers a variety of tasty nutrients to your diet.

5. Grow your own

You may not have a farm to grow every single fruit and vegetable you love, but you can plant a small backyard garden or do container gardening for the fruits and vegetables you eat the most. Growing your own food is cheap, easy, and a family-friendly endeavor that teaches your kids to appreciate the food they eat.

More vegan lifestyle tips!

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