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5 Vegan beauty tips using essential oils

If you haven’t gotten on the essential oils bandwagon for your health, here are five fab ways — courtesy of Edens Garden — to use essential oils in your beauty routine. 

Nail strengthening essential oils

Mix 10 drops each of frankincense, myrrh and lemon essential oils into 2 tablespoons of vitamin E oil. Rub it on your nail cuticles twice each week.

Natural skin toner

Mix 8 ounces of purified water, two drops of lavender essential oil, and one drop each of palmarosa and rosewood essential oils in a clean bottle. Shake the mixture then apply to your skin with a cotton ball after cleansing. Shake well before each use.

Scented hair thickener

Place one to two drops of rosemary or carrot essential oil on your brush before grooming to promote growth and thickness.

Essential oil perfumes

Mix 25 drops of your favorite essential oil to 1 ounce of perfume alcohol vodka. Let it age for two weeks before using. Apply it as a spray on your neck, wrists, behind your ears, knees or through your hair.

Natural lotion

Mix 8 ounces of unscented natural lotion base with 10 drops of myrrh, 15 drops of geranium, and five drops of ylang-ylang essential oils. Keep it in an airtight container and slather on liberally after getting out of the shower or bath.

More on essential oils

10 Essential oils and their uses
Homemade essential oil air fresheners
Using essential oils

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