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Don’t you love connecting with other vegans and sharing your favorite cruelty-free dining spots? Jump over to and you can connect with vegans not just on vegan eateries but also on the best vegan-friendly businesses, entertainment and more. Two animal rights activists-turned-entrepreneures, Nathan and Adriana Pope, created as the vegan’s answer to the popular reviews website Yelp and as a social platform for vegans to support each other. Here’s more on the site and how you can help the Pope’s keep it growing.
Don’t you love connecting with other vegans and sharing your favorite cruelty-free dining spots? Jump over to and you can connect with vegans not just on vegan eateries but also on the best vegan-friendly businesses, entertainment and more. Two animal rights activists-turned-entrepreneures, Nathan and Adriana Pope, created as the vegan’s answer to the popular reviews website Yelp and as a social platform for vegans to support each other. Here’s more on the site and how you can help the Pope’s keep it growing.

VeganCorner makes being vegan easier

Co-founder, Adriana Pope states, “VeganCorner was created as a way to make being vegan easier. We found that despite huge jumps in available technology there still wasn’t anything that was created specifically for vegans. Some sites incorporated vegan-friendly options into their results but lacked practicality. You still had to weed through mostly irrelevant results that didn’t cater specifically to our needs. Over the past couple of months we have listened intently to the feedback and suggestions of our users and have created a road map of the next steps that are needed to bring this site to where it needs to be.”

With an extensive database of over 12,000 profiles for restaurants, cafes, and shops that offer vegan products, VeganCorner provides businesses with an opportunity to engage in direct outreach with a previously hard to pin down, and yet exceptionally loyal niche market of dedicated vegans. Marketing through VeganCorner is multi-directional as users of the VeganCorner website and soon to be released mobile app will be driven towards businesses offering vegan options, while window clings at participating businesses will drive traffic to the VeganCorner website. Nathan and Adriana each hope that this direct marketing process will not only help to make vegan and eco-concious items more accessible, but will also incentivize businesses to provide even more vegan options.Whether you’re trying to locate the nearest raw cafe, a tattoo shop with fish-free inks, a salon that carries Eco-friendly hair products, or want to find a nearby animal sanctuary, it’s all in one spot. VeganCorner soft-launched in December as a limited field test and is now moving into the next stages of development.

How you can help

Founders Nate and Adriana, have spent the last two years building as a free resource for vegans all across the world looking for cruelty-free options. They’ve taken it as far as they can on their own and now they need your help to take VeganCorner to the next level. They have announced a fundraising campaign on to help finance the hard-launch of VeganCorner. Their funding goal is $10,000 which will go towards three specific areas:

  • Hiring a programmer with a background in User Experience (UI/UX), who will be able to polish the website so it looks and feels great in both functionality and usability.
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  • Producing & distributing window clings so that you can easily locate restaurants and shops with vegan options by looking for their colorful sticker that says “Discover Vegan Options.”
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  • Creating a FREE smart-phone app which will help you locate all the nearest vegan options in your hometown or afar.

If you’re interested in giving VeganCorner financial support, go to to pledge a donation. There are different pledge levels to meet your budget with rewards such as t-shirts, tote-bags, secret potluck invitations, and even ad sponsorship opportunities to name a few.

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