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Make better love during the holidays

Whether you and your spouse are newlyweds or consider yourself long-time married folk, the holiday season can be stressful on couples. The onslaught of family, friends, food, and shopping can try the happiest of marriages. Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus, sexual health expert at the Medical Center for Female Sexuality in Purchase, New York, encourages you to make time to make love as a way to ease the holiday tension and strengthen your marital bond.
Whether you and your spouse are newlyweds or consider yourself long-time married folk, the holiday season can be stressful on couples. The onslaught of family, friends, food, and shopping can try the happiest of marriages. Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus, sexual health expert at the Medical Center for Female Sexuality in Purchase, New York, encourages you to make time to make love as a way to ease the holiday tension and strengthen your marital bond.

How to make better love during the holidays

Here’s what Dr. Marcus has to say about keeping your sex life thriving during the most wonderful time of the year.

Celebrate the one you love

Sometimes in the crazy rush to bake cookies, transform the house and buy gifts we forget to focus on the people we love most. Why not make your next lovemaking session an ode to the person in your life who helps make it all worthwhile? Think of what you can do to really make the person happy. Make your private time really count and realize that this is just another way to celebrate the holidays.

Keep it quiet

So what if the guest room is right next-door and the kids are all watching a video in the adjoining room? You’re up to the challenge. You and your partner make a total silence pact. No noise, no moaning or groaning, no calling out names. Turn all the lights off, make the room as dark as you can and try for a completely silent tryst. It may be quiet but it definitely adds excitement.

Make love to music

Making love in complete silence not your thing? Think about finding some great, fun holiday music and turn it up in the bedroom. Yes, your guests may think it’s odd, but they probably will not guess that you are making love to Ode to Joy or Pachabelle’s Cannon. And in the meantime, you two can find your own personal rhythm and make your own music between the sheets.

Think outside the usual love making box

Yes, I know, you always make love at night. Well, everyone’s on a weird schedule during the holidays, and often they are sleeping late; maybe this is the perfect opportunity to switch it up. Is everyone running out to see a movie? You and your spouse could conveniently miss it. You’re meeting everyone at the mall? Okay, so you’ll be a little late. And when the rest of the house is fast asleep, you can make a go for it…and then fall back into an even deeper sleep. Think outside the time-box. And remember, you don’t need a lot of time. Even a quickie can do wonders for the relationship.

Make your lover a “sexy gift”

It can include lingerie, sexy gift certificates, games and more. Just spend a few minutes thinking about the kinds of things your spouse enjoys. You don’t even have to spend a lot of money. The idea is to let your lover know you want to give the gift of fun and surprise to your love life.

Happy Holidays!

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