You already eat vegan (or vegetarian) but you can always use a little inspiration for trying new dishes. Let Tofurky’s campaign Tofurky Tuesdays challenge you to change up your diet.
You already eat vegan (or vegetarian) but you can always use a little inspiration for trying new dishes. Let Tofurky’s campaign Tofurky Tuesdays challenge you to change up your diet.
Tofurky Tuesdays are good for you and the earth
The Tofurky Tuesdays campaign promotes going meatless for one day each week for positive personal and environmental change. Tofurky provides a variety of alternatives to meat made from non-genetically modified ingredients and organic soybeans. Tofurky’s soyfood products contain no cholesterol, protect against heart disease and are a nutritious meal for a healthy diet. Soyfoods also provide high-quality, complete protein, shown to increase the feeling of fullness and assists weight loss. Not only is Tofurky a healthy alternative to meat, Tofurky products are also made with expeller-pressed canola oil and are hexane free, ensuring a ‘clean label’ promise and a safe, delicious meal. Tofurky makes all products in small batches using the finest ingredients to maintain the taste and integrity of the product.
Tofurky Tuesday was formulated to promote not only the health of the consumer but the planet’s ecosystem as well. Did you know that 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions are a direct result of meat production? Tofurky Tuesdays seeks to reduce the carbon footprint by offering satisfying meatless meals that are effortless. The amount of greenhouse gas emission reduced by going meatless just one day a week is equal to the amount released when you drive a car that averages 20 mpg for 16.5 miles.
Tofurky Tuesdays has helped reduce approximately 97,885 pounds of CO2 gas emission since its start. You can get on the Tofurky Tuesday mission by trying Tofurky Vegan Pizza,Tofurky Franks and Sausage Links, and the Tofurky Roast and Gravy.
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