Though the holiday season isn’t the only time of year you’re burning the candle at both ends, it is the time of year your candle is at its shortest. With holiday schedules, gift buying, and roller coaster emotions piled on to your normal day to day doings, you’re at high risk of crawling under the covers and refusing to come out until January. Since that isn’t a realistic plan of attack for most of us, we’ve got a few practical ways to avoid burnout.
Though the holiday season isn’t the only time of year you’re burning the candle at both ends, it is the time of year your candle is at its shortest. With holiday schedules, gift buying, and roller coaster emotions piled on to your normal day to day doings, you’re at high risk of crawling under the covers and refusing to come out until January. Since that isn’t a realistic plan of attack for most of us, we’ve got a few practical ways to avoid burnout.
1. Take the time to manage your time
Sit down and take a serious look at all of your to-dos. Determine which ones can be scheduled later, delegated, or dropped entirely. Use your Smartphone or some other planning calendar to make a schedule so you know exactly where you need to be and when you need to be there. Determine ways to make your day more efficient (i.e. running all of your errands while you’re out instead of going back and forth).
2. Be grateful
Before you skip this one as a platitude, don’t underestimate the power of thankfulness. It can change your attitude and give you a healthier vantage point on the things in your life that are causing you stress. Write down the things that are burdening you then write down the things you are thankful for. Even better, next to the things that burden you, write down the positives that are coming from them.
3. Relax
Going at breakneck speeds every day is a surefire way to burn out. Take 15 minutes every morning or afternoon to just breathe. Find a quiet place at the park, hide in your closet, close your office door, just prioritize having some time to yourself to let your mind and body rest — in addition to your normal (likely already deprived) sleep. Pray or meditate during your relax time to help you feel refreshed and able to go forward with the rest of your day.
4. Exercise
A great way to relieve tension is exercise. Carve out time to work up a sweat a few times a week, if not every day. The endorphins will lift your spirits, the exercise will relax your muscles, and it will take your mind off of all the things you feel like you can’t do and give you chance to reapproach them with a new attitude.
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