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Power foods for Black Friday shopping

Black Friday is both shopping adventure and (sometimes contact) sport. To keep you on top of your shopping game, fill up on the following fuss-free power snacks.
Black Friday is both shopping adventure and (sometimes contact) sport. To keep you on top of your shopping game, fill up on the following fuss-free power snacks.

Convenience is key

Have you ever tried spooning yogurt out of a container while carrying bags, juggling your smartphone full of ads, and speed walking at the same time? It makes for a messy and frustrating shopping experience. But you certainly don’t want to let your energy lull as you make your way from store to store. Instead of filling up on messy in-between store foods, keep these easy snacks on hand.


Keep a bottle of water on you at all times. Dehydration will suck the life right out of you. As you’re perusing ads or waiting for a store to open, suck that water down to keep you energized. Just make sure you have a bottle that seals tightly to avoid having your purse flooded mid-shop.


Almonds — and basically nuts and seeds of all kinds — are packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats. A handful of these nutritious gems will give you a load of mess-free energy. Keep a snack bag in your purse and nibble on them as you wait to check out.


As long as you don’t smash them with a heavy wallet, fresh soy beans will stay ready-to-eat without a mess. Pop a handful in your mouth in between stores to take advantage of the bean’s protein and fiber.

Baby carrots

Partner baby carrots with the almonds or a handful of crackers to give you a fast snack and to help crunch your stress away when you realize the “one great thing” you really wanted got snatched up right before you walked in.

Nutrition bars

Upwrap and eat. It doesn’t get much easier than that. Look for nutrition bars that aren’t coated in dark chocolate since you’ll be working up a sweat and don’t want to have melted goo all over your hands. Choose bars that have a healthy dose of protein and fiber and the least sugar.

More vegan lifestyle tips!


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