Heartburn isn’t only painful, it can seriously impact the quality of your life. However, before you go run for the first heartburn medication, consider making changes in your lifestyle and trying a few natural remedies to find relief. Here are five natural remedies for heartburn.
Heartburn isn’t only painful, it can seriously impact the quality of your life. However, before you go run for the first heartburn medication, consider making changes in your lifestyle and trying a few natural remedies to find relief. Here are five natural remedies for heartburn.
Raise your head
Do you mostly feel heartburn at night or when you’re resting during the day? Adjust your sleeping position so your chest is above your stomach. Prop your upper back, neck and head up on two pillows or a foam wedge.
Don’t overeat
Perhaps your chronic heartburn began around the holidays simply due to eating too much. Cut down your portions to find relief. Stuffing your stomach too full puts you at risk of stretching your stomach and kicking acid up into your esophagus. Instead of eating three large meals, spread your calories out over the course of the day. If you’re battling your weight, make sure you also cut down your calories before spreading them out into smaller meals.
Eat mindfully
While you’re enjoying your meals, make sure you are actually mindful and present with them. Haphazard eating can result in you not chewing your food properly, eating too much food, drinking too much, and slouching at the table, which all can lead to heartburn. Turn off technology and really sit with your meal, chewing every bite adequately, and truly tasting what you put in your mouth. This will aid in digestion and also decrease the likelihood you’ll eat too much.
Manage your stress
Oh, we know that this is easier said than done, but still worth the effort since it will help you enjoy your life more and aid in relieving heartburn. Try these stress-busting tips!
Clean up your lifestyle
Alcohol and smoking are factors in causing heartburn. Help your health and relieve the digestive distress by giving both habits the boot.
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