Every year, weight loss always seems to be the No. 1 new year’s resolution for most. The findings of a new survey from ComPsych do show weight loss to be a top priority among the working crowd as well as finding other solutions for better health.
Every year, weight loss always seems to be the No. 1 new year’s resolution for most. The findings of a new survey from ComPsych do show weight loss to be a top priority among the working crowd as well as finding other solutions for better health.
Water cooler food for thought
Do you and your co-workers talk about your goals for the new year as you’re enjoying your work breaks? If so, the following results may not be that surprising. The good news is, we’ve got some practical solutions for your to reach those goals.
ComPsych survey on new year’s resolutions
Results from ComPsych’s Tell It Now poll, released today, indicate that employees are unsurprisingly concerned about managing their weight but that stress management is also a top priority.
Thirty-nine percent of employees polled say losing weight is their top health concern while 26 percent indicate that stress has them most worried. This is up from 18 percent in the 2012 poll.
“Weight loss is, not surprisingly, the number one health concern this year,” says Dr. Richard A. Chaifetz, chairman and CEO of ComPsych. “What is significant is that many more employees are aware of stress as a major contributor to health problems. Corporate wellness programs that address both physical and emotional health are uniquely suited to help employees make lasting lifestyle changes, which will ultimately reduce health and disability costs while improving productivity.”
ComPsych is the world’s largest provider of employee assistance progams, including HealthyGuidance, a build-to-suit health and wellness program for organizations. If your company doesn’t have a wellness program in place, consider putting ComPsych on their radar.
Health concerns for employees
In the ComPsych poll, employees were asked: Which health issue are you most trying to stay ahead of this year?
The results are listed below along with links to helpful tips to make those new year’s resolutions stick.
Weight loss
Weight loss is a concern for 39 percent of employees. Here’s help from The Biggest Loser.
The poll results show that 26 percent of employess are concerned about stress. Get tips on managing stress from Gabrielle Bernstein, author of Spirit Junkie.
Seventeen percent of employees said exercise is a top priority. Stay motivated with these sizzling workouts for winter.
Nine percent of employees are aiming to improve their diet. Start with these vegan recipes!
The results show that six percent of employees polled want to kick the habit in 2013. Check out our list of best apps to quit smoking.
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