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Bone health: Another reason to love dried plums

Naturally sweet, chewy, and a delectable healthy ingredient for sweet or savory recipes, dried plums are having their day in the sun. New research reveals there’s more to these gems of nutrition than you think.
Naturally sweet, chewy, and a delectable healthy ingredient for sweet or savory recipes, dried plums are having their day in the sun. New research reveals there’s more to these gems of nutrition than you think.

Dried plums offer health benefits

Sure, dried plums are nothing more than prunes — but seem to be easier to eat when referred to as dried plums. They have a reputation of keeping you “regular” but the benefits of dried plums go beyond the rep.

New research published in the British Journal of Nutrition shows that dried plums are good for your bones. “Dried plums are the most bone-friendly fruit that I have seen in decades. They are nature’s solution to maintaining good bone health,” says Dr. Bahram H. Arjmandi. “Over my career, I have tested numerous fruits, including figs, dates, strawberries and raisins, and none of them come anywhere close to having the effect on bone density that dried plums have.”

Dr. Arjmandi is a professor at Florida State and Chair of the Department of Nutrition, Food, and Exercise Sciences in the College of Human Sciences. He and a group of researchers tested two groups of post-menopausal women over a 12-month period, comparing the effects of dried plums and dried apples on bone health. Dried plums showed promising results.

According to Dr. Arjmandi, California dried plums contain many compounds and nutrients, such as vitamin K, potassium, copper and boron, that work synergistically together to prevent bone mineral loss.

Eat up

Researchers aren’t the only people touting the benefits of dried plums. Olympic athlete Natalie Coughlin eats the sweet gems of nutrition like candy. She’s even partnered with the California Dried Plum Board as their spokesperson to spread the news that eating dried plums is really good for you.

“Dried plums are always my go-to portable snack,” says Coughlin. “My diet has been incredibly important in my success as a professional swimmer. I train anywhere from five to six hours a day, and my body is constantly being torn down. So it’s really important for me to get the best source of fuel and the most nutrient dense items into my diet—and dried plums top the list.”

The bone health aspect of dried plums is especially good news for vegans since the vegan diet doesn’t include the usual dairy-based sources of calcium.

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