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Watching TV linked to low sperm count

Do you feel like you’re constantly competing with the television to get your man’s attention? If your requests to reduce boob tube time have done unheeded, perhaps the results of a recent study on sperm count will get him to let go of the remote.
Do you feel like you’re constantly competing with the television to get your man’s attention? If your requests to reduce boob tube time have done unheeded, perhaps the results of a recent study on sperm count will get him to let go of the remote.

More TV means fewer sperm

A new study published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine indicates that healthy young men who watch TV for more than 20 hours a week have almost half the sperm count of men who watch very little TV.

Exercise does a body good

Conversely, men who do 15 or more hours of moderate to vigorous exercise every week have sperm counts that are 73 percent higher than those who exercise little, the findings show.

The study

Semen quality seems to have deteriorated over the past few decades, although it’s not clear why, say the authors of the study. So, to find out if an increasingly sedentary lifestyle might be a contributory factor, they analyzed the semen quality of 189 men between the ages of 18 to 22 in 2009-10, all of whom were from Rochester in New York State, USA.

The men were asked about the quantity and intensity of weekly exercise they had had over the preceding three months, and how much time they spent watching television, DVDs, or videos over the same period. They were also asked about factors that might affect sperm quality, including medical or reproductive health problems, diet, stress levels, and smoking.

Over half the men were within the normal range for weight for their height, and three out of four were non-smokers. The prevalence of reproductive health problems was low.


The analysis showed that those who were the most physically active (15+ hours a week) had a 73% higher sperm count than the least physically active. Exercise did not affect sperm motility, shape, or sample volume.

TV viewing had the opposite effect. Those who watched the most (20 or more hours a week) had a sperm count that was 44% lower than those who watched the least. It had no impact on sperm motility, shape, or sample volume.

Effect on fertility

The authors caution that a reduced sperm count does not necessarily curb a man’s fertility or his chances of being able to father a child, but the findings do suggest that a more physically active lifestyle may improve semen quality.

The type of exercise might also be important, say the authors, who conclude: “Future studies should also evaluate the extent to which different exercise types affect semen quality as previous studies suggest that there might be opposing effects of different types of activity on semen characteristics.”

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