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10 trail mixes for when you’re hungry like a wild forest creature

Because trail mix is a great way to get rid of the hangries, we’ve gathered up 10 of our favorite trail-friendly concoctions for you.

Make a batch to keep on your desk for a long day of work, or package up single servings to send to school with the kids. But be warned we found out the hard way that these delicious trail mix recipes can be addictive.

1. Cherries and sunshine trail mix

This mixture of dried fruit, nuts and chocolate chips make a bitter and sweet trail mix. The dried-out cranberries and oranges add a summer twist and provide a great source of vitamins. Check out the cherries and sunshine trail mix recipe at Just Making Noise.

2. Tropical trail mix

A great mixture of fresh fruit dried out and combined with almonds gives this trail mix a vibrant summer feel. The variety of fruit makes this a great source of natural sugars and will leave your taste buds wanting more. Get the tropical trail mix recipe at Vegan Yack Attack.

3. S’more snack mix

No need for a campfire — milk chocolate, sticky marshmallows and cinnamon graham crackers amalgamate in a bowl for a mess-free snack. The s’more mix is great to bring with you while participating in outdoor activities. Find the s’more snack mix recipe at Southern Bite.

More:Grilled banana s’mores

4. White chocolate trail mix

Popcorn, marshmallows, nuts and cranberries immersed in white chocolate. This trail mix is great for indulging in while watching your favorite movie or as a midnight snack. Get the white chocolate trail mix recipe at Everyday Meals for Everyday Living.

5. Homemade tropical trail mix

This is the ultimate healthy trail mix with an abundance of flavor. Dried papaya, mango, pineapple, dates and bananas are tossed together with nuts and sprinkled all over with unsweetened coconut flakes. To get the homemade tropical trail mix recipe, go to Brown Eyed Baker.

Next up:White trash trail mix

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