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Scary black cat cupcakes

This Halloween, take a bite out of this scary black cat before he takes a bite out of you!

Frightful Halloween treats

This Halloween, take a bite out of this scary black cat before he takes a bite out of you!
This is a scary black cat with an attitude that you don’t want to mess around with. His teeth are sharp and his hiss is mean. But the good news is that this scary cat is edible from head to toe.

Wait a minute, since this cat doesn’t have toes, let’s just say he’s edible from head to whiskers. How can a scary cat with a jelly bean nose and marshmallow ears be so tough? He’s really not so tough. He’s a softy on the inside so don’t let his evil jelly bean eyes scare you. And don’t worry, he won’t hiss too much when you take a bite out of him.

Scary black cat cupcakes recipe

Inspired by Duncan Hines and Annie’s Eats

Serves 12


For the black frosting

Inspired by Hershey’s

  • 2 sticks (1 cup) softened butter
  • 1-1/3 cups cocoa powder
  • 6 cups powdered sugar
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons black icing gel (it’s best to use gel rather than food coloring so that the frosting doesn’t get too thin)

For the cupcakes

  • 12 unfrosted chocolate cupcakes (premade or use your favorite recipe)
  • 1 cup premade white frosting
  • 24 large marshmallows
  • 2 rolls of red Fruit Roll-Ups (Fruit by the Foot, berry flavor)
  • 12 black jelly beans (for the nose)
  • 12 yellow jelly beans (for the eyes)
  • Wilton decorating black rope (for the whiskers)

Equipment needed

  • 2 pastry bags
  • “V” shaped frosting decorating tip (#352 “leaf” tip)
  • Small round frosting tip (for making the teeth)
  • Clean kitchen scissors



Make the black frosting

In a medium-size bowl, add the butter, cocoa powder, powdered sugar and milk. Use a fork to incorporate the ingredients just enough so the butter, cocoa powder, and powdered sugar adhere to one another (so the powder won’t fly out of the bowl when beating the ingredients). Beat on medium speed until creamy. Add the black icing gel and beat until frosting is black. If the frosting is too dry, add a little more milk. (Thicker frosting works best for the fur so that small peaks form.) Set aside.


Make the ears

Cut two corners off of 12 marshmallows to form the cat’s ears.


Make the mouths

Cut a “V” into the top half of the remaining 12 marshmallows to form the cat’s open mouth.


Make the inside of the mouths

Cut the Fruit Roll-Ups into 12 strips about 3 inches long. Lay each strip inside of the marshmallow “mouth” and lightly press down. The Fruit Roll-Ups should stick to the marshmallow easily. Use clean kitchen scissors to trim them so they fit the mouth.


Add ears and mouths to cupcakes

Dab some of the black frosting on the bottom side of the ear and mouth marshmallow pieces, then set the frosting side down on top of the cupcake to form the face.


Pipe on fur

Using the “V” tip, fill a pastry bag with the black frosting. Cover the ears with frosting and pipe the cat’s “fur” along the outside edges of the cupcake. Continue to pipe the “fur” from the outside toward the cat’s mouth and forehead until the entire face is covered.


Pipe on fangs

Using a small round tip, fill another pastry bag with the white frosting. Pipe the teeth along the outer edge of the mouth. Leave just a little space in between each tooth so the red will show. Make the two top and bottom teeth a little bit longer to look like fangs.


Make eyes, nose and whiskers

Place the black jelly bean lengthwise above the mouth for the nose. Cut each yellow jelly bean in half lengthwise and pinch the ends with your fingers to form an almond-like eye shape. Add the eyes to the cat’s face. Cut the black rope candy into 6 pieces for each cupcake in various sizes from 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 inches for the whiskers. Poke the whiskers into the frosting just above the cat’s top lip and under the nose.


Show off your scary black cats!

Serve these cupcakes at your Halloween party and thrill your guests with your scary dessert creation.

More fun Halloween treats

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Cheesy mummy
Jack-o’-lantern pinata cake

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