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Cookie purses are the edible accessory you never knew you needed

I bought these Mother’s English Tea Cookies at Walmart and thought they had the perfect shape and texture.

Once you attach the bottom and top, fill the purse shape with more frosting.

I found these thin, scalloped cookies at a “gourmet” grocery store. (Actually, a Ritz cracker would probably work just great now that I think about it.)

I used Airheads candy for the straps but also considered using Laffy Taffy. It’s also colorful and flexible.

The candy purse straps tend to slump in a warm temperatures. If you want them to stand upright, you’ll need to keep the completed cookies refrigerated until you’re ready to serve them.

Tasty trendy tote cookie recipe


  • Rectangular tea cookies (Mother’s English Tea Cookies)
  • Cream cheese frosting
  • Thin, round, scalloped cookies (Meyer Lemon Moravian Cookies)
  • Airheads candies (orange, blueberry and grape)
  • Icing flowers (found in most baking or hobby and craft stores)


  1. Split open 2 rectangular tea cookies, and scrape off the cream filling. Using a serrated knife, gently cut 2 strips of cookie to be used for the top and bottom of the tote bag. The top strip should be approximately 1/4 inch wide, and the bottom strip should be approximately 1/2 inch wide.
  2. Place the 1/2-inch strip on the bottom, and adhere it to 2 rectangular tea cookie sides with cream cheese frosting. Place the 1/4-inch cookie strip on top with more frosting. Fill in the center of the tote bag cookie with more frosting, and clean the sides with a knife or toothpick.
  3. Gently cut a semicircle of scalloped cookie for the decorative front of the tote. Attach it with some frosting.
  4. Cut a strip of Airheads candy for the purse strap. Use varying colors for each purse, if desired. Attach it to the top corners with frosting. Add the icing flower on front. (To prevent the candy straps from slowly sinking or softening, refrigerate these purse cookies until you’re ready to serve them.)

Next up: Bite-size bowler bag cookies

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