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Wholesome lunch box snacks for the whole family

When it comes to creating healthy and wholesome snacks for my family, I feel as though I have a very good system in place for my children and my husband. I pack daily snacks for them, so that while they are in the office (or at school), they have a bevy of healthy options from which to snack throughout the workday.


t From sliced vegetables and fruit, to individual servings of nuts, as well as crackers with cheese and rolled-up cold cuts, their lunch boxes are full of healthy choices to fuel their day.

t On those days I have dropped by my husband’s office, I have been pleased to see that his work space is surrounded by nutritious choices. You won’t find any instant ramen or Red Bull. He keeps a selection of nuts and dried fruit on hand at all times, along with granola bars and lots of water. Green tea bags now replace coffee for his afternoon pick-me-up, and there’s even oatmeal for his daily breakfast. Crackers or pretzels with a creamy wedge of cheese keep sweet cravings at bay. The fresh snacks I pack for him are easily transported in slim and sturdy containers, so even if he has to rush out of the office and fly out of town for a business meeting, he has no excuses to snack poorly. He just takes it along in his briefcase.

t Having your own mini pantry in the office makes it easier to avoid the office kitchen, with its tempting convenience foods and occasional sweets, that’s for sure. I have started to pack myself some snacks as well; that way I have a selection of snacks throughout the day, too.

t Pre-sliced and bite sized, it’s easy to snack well if it’s all ready to go. When you work from home like I do, I find that making the same effort for myself goes a long way to make sure I snack mindfully.


t Disclosure: This post is part of a collaboration with Laughing Cow and SheKnows.

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