So do you know what you’re having for dinner? It’s not always easy to decide. After all, you want something that’s not only tasty but also good for you. Fortunately the solution to your mealtime dilemma is closer than you think, as fish certainly fits the bill — and not just for dinner!
Eating fish or seafood is an important part of a healthy diet, and given their many benefits, you might wonder if you’re eating enough. Here are some fish facts to help you decide for yourself.
Fish fact: High in omega-3 fatty acids
The power of omega-3 fatty acids is well known, as these healthy unsaturated fats are associated with numerous benefits. The list is extensive but includes lowering your risk of heart disease, managing your cholesterol levels, reducing inflammation and improving joint pain, and they might also aid in eye health, depression and decreasing the risk of certain cancers. Although many types of fish contain this healthy fat, fatty fish, such as salmon, trout, mackerel and sardines, are the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
Learn more about the sources of good fats >>
Fish fact: Rich source of protein
Fish is generally considered a good source of protein, as it’s low in saturated fat. While it’s true that certain types of fish are higher in fat, those “fatty” fish contain heart-healthy unsaturated fats, which are an important part of a healthy diet.
Fish fact: Good source of essential vitamins and minerals
As a powerhouse of nutrition, fish contains a number of important vitamins and minerals. Depending on the type of fish, some of the nutrients to be found are selenium, vitamins B6 and B12, niacin, iron, zinc and calcium. Fish is also one of the best sources of dietary vitamin D, which is crucial for the proper absorption of calcium and important for bone development.
Fish fact: Easy to incorporate into your diet
Fish is simple to prepare, and there are many varieties to choose from. Try these yummy ideas to start, and then go from there:
- Enjoy a fish taco or poached salmon for a satisfying and healthy meal.
- For a great snack or lunch, try a salmon, lettuce and tomato sandwich.
- Whip up crab cakes, Thai scallops or spicy shrimp soup for a restaurant-inspired meal.
Fish doesn’t always have to be cooked. Find out the most popular types of sushi >>
Fish fact: Part of a well-balanced diet
The Canada Food Guide recommends consuming at least two servings of fish per week, and considering all the health benefits eating fish can provide, it’s easy to see why the Heart & Stroke Foundation suggests the same. Incorporating fish into your regular diet is both delicious and nutritious, so dive right in, and start enjoying the taste of the sea today.
More on a healthy diet
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