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Canadian foods we can’t get enough of

When it comes to food, Canadians are pretty inventive — we’ve come up with all things delicious, like poutine and tourtière. We even have a few food items that our friends south of the border attempt to smuggle in — they are just that good.

Kinder Eggs

A mini chocolate egg that’s stuffed with a tiny toy surprise, Kinders are sweet yet sort of savoury. The eggs are so coveted by those south of the Canadian border that a whole “smuggling” industry exists based on them alone. A couple of years ago, two men were detained at the border for trying to bring them into the U.S. Now that’s dedication!

Ketchup-flavoured chips

To those outside of Canada, this flavourful snack may sound disgusting and a little bit weird, but after one or two bites, chip revellers are usually sold on ketchup as a bona fide snack flavour. Salty, a touch sour and a little sweet, these chips are absolutely delectable. The red stain the chips leave on fingers is proof that someone’s embracing their inner Canadian.

Kraft Dinner

Sure, everyone has access to Kraft Dinner, but it’s just not the same as the boxes we have here in Canada. Concocted in Fort Erie, Ontario, by James Lewis Kraft, the processed cheese delight is a classic Canadian dish. It’s a lunchtime staple, a dorm room must-have and the perfect cure for a hangover.

Other foods we Canadians love to eat? Check out our favourite Canuck food bloggers >>

Swiss Chalet and St-Hubert’s barbecue sauces

Americans have gravy, but Canadians have barbecue sauce — a.k.a. Swiss Chalet BBQ sauce and St-Hubert BBQ sauce. The tangy yet sour toppers are served at two of Canada’s largest chicken restaurants and can add flavour to pretty much everything, from meat to potatoes to poutine. These sauces are so addictive and flavourful that people sometimes drink them on their own. On. Their. Own. Many Americans even sneak premade packs of the goodness south of the border to whip up at home.

Coffee Crisp

Who needs a regular old chocolate bar when one can have this — a crunchy, coffee-flavoured wafer coated in milk chocolate? No one, that’s who. Canadians love to indulge in this chocolate bar and have been known to crush it up and use it in everything from cookies and cakes to soft serve ice cream. We’ve heard rumours that the chocolate bar (which recently turned 75) is starting to make its way south of the border and into convenience stores, but we’ve yet to see proof.


Bloody Marys have got nothing on Canada’s favourite breakfast drink: the Caesar. This spicy tomato-clam juice cocktail comes in all sorts of variations — mixed with pickle juice and horseradish or even BBQ sauce — and is almost always served in a salt-rimmed glass with a side of celery. It’s heaven in a jar.

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