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7 Photos of the KFC Double Down Dog that will make you want to barf

KFC has introduced the Double Down Dog, though it’s only available to 50 “lucky” customers in the Philippines today and tomorrow. Before you go booking a flight to obtain this culinary masterpiece of a hot dog wrapped in a fried chicken “bun” and drizzled in cheese sauce, consider the following images. Warning: Gagging may occur.

Now, I like a good food mashup as much as the next girl, and if the Double Down Dog actually looked like this promo, I might be tempted.
However, the real thing never looks quite as good as the ad, does it? How many times have you been duped into buying that big, juicy burger only to unwrap a super-flat patty with a squished bun and some sad, wilted lettuce? So it’s really no surprise that these real images of the Double Down Dog are not exactly worthy of being called food porn. In fact, they make me want to throw up a little.

Here are seven photos that prove you probably shouldn’t eat a Double Down Dog.

1. You don’t want food that can be described like this.

2. If this is what a VIP gets at KFC, I don’t want to know what the general population gets.

3. Nope. Just nope with that cheese sauce.

4. Apparently you can get a bun made of bread and fried chicken. But that doesn’t mean it’s better.

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5. Revised hashtags: #decidedlyNOTfoodporn #innowayshapeorform #dontmakemeeatit

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6. When you’re angry that you could’ve just made your own at 7-Eleven, it’s bad.

7. Why is the actual shredded cheese somehow worse than the sauce? Oh, the chunkiness.

So, now that you’ve seen the proof, would you try the Double Down Dog?

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