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3-Step DIY strawberry rose bouquet

Valentine’s Day has arrived (yaaaay!). So, just in the nick of time, today’s post was created so you can either (1) treat yourself to flowers (an edible kind, with strawberries), (2) treat someone else to them or (3) email a photo of it as a huge hint hint hint that you want it made for you.



t It only takes three steps to create each flower. Yep, three steps to making a DIY strawberry flower (that you can eat). Four steps if you want to wrap it in paper and gift it as a bouquet. Below is the list of what you need and how to make them. Oh, did I mention that apart from delicious, this bouquet is also super economical. You can make it for less than $6.00. I did.



  1. Strawberries ($4 for a pack)
  2. t

  3. Skewers ($1 for a pack)
  4. t

  5. Knife


  1. Create petals: Cut upside down (thin) V-shaped slits around the strawberry.
  2. t

  3. Make flower bloom: Pull the tip of the V-shapes toward you to make the petals.
  4. t

  5. Add a stem: insert a skewerinto the strawberry.

t That’s it! Simple, right? It may take a little practice at first, so simply eat them if you don’t like the way they look. I ate two before I got the hang of it, then gifted the others. Also, make sure the slits are thin so the petals fold out (bloom) easier. Check out my website for more fun creations over here. Have a happy Valentine’s Day! And remember, treat yourself great!

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