Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? Someone who doesn’t work at Nabisco any longer, apparently, or at least is afraid that could soon be the case!
“CookieOman,” a food criminal who joins the ranks of such culinary antiheroes as “The Hamburglar,” has been leaking pics of upcoming, unreleased Oreo flavors on Instagram. They were the first to hail the coming of Red Velvet and S’mores Oreos.
Until suddenly, they was gone. The Instagram account has been deleted, and the photos of the leaked Oreo flavors, including the most recent Cotton Candy Oreo (which… yes, please), have disappeared into the night.
#TrendingTuesday – Leaked pics on instagram show the new #oreo flavor is cotton candy… Awesome or gross? Thoughts? pic.twitter.com/vdHZfS2M8R
— IIANC (@TheBigI_NC) March 3, 2015
According to MarketWatch, an Oreo rep told them:
“It’s been brought to our attention that some of our top secret OREO flavors are leaking. As we get to the bottom of these cookie leaks, we can only say time will tell when our next delicious flavor will hit shelves.”
Will CookieOman strike again? How will we prepare ourselves for the next Oreo flavor without forewarning? Will there be mayhem at the grocery store when shoppers unexpectedly stumble upon the next offering and are unable to restrain themselves from tearing the packages from store shelves? Only time will tell, my fellow cookie lovers, only time will tell.
More on Oreos
OMG! Red Velvet Oreos are finally here
Drunken Oreos are here to change the way you party (VIDEO)
10 Oreo flavors that we hope never see the light of day
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