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Starbucks cold-brew coffee is going to blow your mind this spring

Tired of getting subpar iced coffee at your favorite java joint?

That slightly acidic flavor that comes from putting hot coffee on ice can be jarring to some taste buds. And trying to balance out those acidic flavors can lead to a person (but def not me, nope, no way!) adding a ton of milk and sugar to compensate.

People who find regular iced coffee too acidic are not alone, as the popularity of DIY cold-brew coffee can attest. But not all of us have the foresight to get our cold-brew in the fridge before bed so it’s ready the next morning. Enter Starbucks.

This spring, the company will start serving up a cold-brew iced coffee. The coffee is steeped for 20 hours in cool water, a method tested at select stores in Boston last summer, and then diluted slightly with water. They’ll be rolling out the new drink to 2,800 Starbucks locations around the country. It will even be available year-round in several markets, including New England and New York City.

Starbucks cold-brew will be available starting on March 31, just in time for warmer weather. Eager to try some cold-brew before then? You can try making your own, or see if your local grocery store carries bottled cold-brew in the beverage section.

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